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Bicycles!!! Wow! The Kids Are Going Nuts!!

These kids act like they were “born on a bicycle!” Our previous friends, Dean and Carolyn from Georgia, sent these bicycles a while ago… but it took time for them to come by way of a shipping container through the Dominican Republic! We wanted to wait until the kids finished[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The Lord told King Jehoshaphat, “… Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” (2 Chronicles 20:15) This morning, I feel within my heart that many of you are facing a battle in your life. The battle may be great, but God is greater! Today, a multitude may be[…]

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David Desir… He’s a “Tough Little Guy”

David Desir was the 7th child born into a “very, very poor family.” His parents could not care for him so a kind neighbor took him in. But as a little time passed, she felt she could not care for this baby. She took him to the Department of Social[…]

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Backpacks Needed for Love A Child Kids…

We have a special need for “backpacks!” You can see just some of the old and ripped backpacks! (Haitian children have lots of heavy books to carry!) We have all sizes of kids from age 5 to college students… 28 girls and 37 boys, and they go from Elementary School[…]

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Yesterday, the children received 12 new bikes. Everyone took turns riding the bikes. Oh, they were beyond happy! There is nothing like seeing smiles on children’s faces. Thank you, Dean and Carolyn, for purchasing these new bikes. Love is something you do! Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“He Knows My Name…” Have you ever felt like “God has forgotten you?” You have prayed and prayed, but you feel as though you are praying “against a wall.” Hang in there, and don’t give up on God. He knows every intricate detail about you. Have you ever tried to[…]

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“Free Medical Help for the Poor…”

It is 9:00 am, and the Jesus Healing Center has already seen dozens of patients. We open with prayer and singing, and then, one of our workers holds up a “large, heavy book,” and they pray over it. It contains the names of our partners who helped build our “Jesus[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Man Looks on the Outside, but God Looks on the Heart.” I love this story… In 1st Samuel, 16th chapter, the Prophet Samuel has been sent to the house of “Jesse,” a Godly man. Samuel tells Jesse, who has many sons, that he is going to call Jesse and all[…]

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Little Samuel… a Winning Smile

Samuel was abandoned when he was a baby. We took him to “Social Services,” and they told us to “keep him,” because they had no room! He is a sweet kid, loves to smile, and sings “off-key!” He loves soccer and working in a garden! He finally got his “front[…]

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Seeing Jesus in the Eyes of a Child

As I began to read “the rest of the story,” on Angeline, I found myself in awe. I know you have seen her picture and you know that this little girl was starving to death, as a result of gangs taking over, and the poor, having no way to make[…]

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