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Prayer in Fond Parisien

“Don’t Be Discouraged, Keep On Walking!” That was the title of today’s message that Bobby preached here at our church in Fond Parisien, Haiti! Our young “Haitian daughters” did a beautiful praise dance and Richard, one of our older boys, played the keyboard. When the Haitian people face problems each[…]

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Internet Problems in Haiti

We just heard from Bobby and Sherry that they are having problems with the internet again in Haiti. Please check back later for the latest news.

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Word from the Mission Field

“How Much Did That Trial Cost?” Have you ever wondered about that, when you see one of those TV programs about “trials?” But, maybe you are going through a different kind of “trial?” Maybe you are facing the “trial of your faith!” After we had been married for several years,[…]

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A Miracle Child

This is “Moses.” He is 15 years old and in the 7th grade! There is a miracle story of his life… When his mother was pregnant with him, she went to a “Haitian outhouse,” sat down, and dropped him into the hole to die. He was rescued by an old[…]

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Happy to Do Hard Work Around Love A Child!

“Life At Love A Child… The Water Hose.” We asked our teenaged girls to do a project for us today… “clean out the storage building” near the clinic. It was “past time,” full of dirt, and cobwebs… it had not been cleaned in quite a while. We were so proud[…]

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Bringing Food to Hungry Children!

Today, we packed a large truck with food and will have to buy other items, such as beans, spices, charcoal, etc. This is for our largest feeding program, which is in L’Artibonite, Haiti. We feed over 1,000 children a day, Monday through Saturday, plus adults. We are so thankful that[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

A bitter root will produce bitter fruit… “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” Hebrews 12:15 Bitterness in the Bible is spiritual poison. Sometimes those who have hurt us in the past have allowed a root[…]

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Off To School We Go!

Jackson now 12 years old is in school and is in the 6th grade! His uncle brought him to us in Savaan Pit where we had gone to do a Mobile Medical Clinic. I had never seen a little boy who had such a HUGE stomach! He was suffering from kwashiorkor malnutrition. We brought him home with us because we knew he would die a slow death in the mountains. He is such a sweet boy. Jackson still has a severe kidney problem and is on expensive medicine for his kidneys. We cannot get him to the States now for the treatment he needs,[…]

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Beaten, Broken, and Burned

Little Maranatha was brought to our Jesus Healing Center by Leny, a young Haitian man we know that works in a village nearby. He had a lady from the village carry little Maranatha in her arms. Leny and his organization, Hotes Foundation, have done a lot of great work in Haiti!  It seems that Maranatha’s young mother who is 16 or 17 had this baby and the father left her. Then, she got with another man who didn’t want the baby. We know very little about what has been done to the baby because no one in the village is talking. We do know that she had malnutrition and that her leg was broken. Someone took her to[…]

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An Unwanted Child

This one-year-old baby, little Maranatha, was brought to our Jesus Healing Center now. (This picture is not clear because the lighting was bad. We were in the room of our old dental clinic, being used as a doctor’s office.) You will hear the full story of this child who has[…]

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