Not much is known about Rebecca's parents… perhaps both of them died, but one thing is known, it was about nine years ago that Nelio Barthelemy, our Haitian director, heard about a little girl, age three, who was about to be sold as a restavek slave child. The name, "restavek," means to stay with, as...
This week join Bobby, Sherry, and the children who dwell in the Love A Child Children’s Home. Journey back to where it all began, from the clearing of the land where this new extended family would call home, a loving place where the abandoned, abused, orphaned, enslaved, malnourished, and more could find refuge. Hear the...
Easter Resurrection Crusade! Last night heaven came down over at the Gwo Mache Mirak! (Grand Miracle Market) Many came to the Lord! Love A Child with a league of pastors from the area came together for a crusade at the market. Singing, preaching, testifying of the goodness of the Lord. We are claiming Haiti for...
“No Place for Scaredy-cats!” When I was a child, living in the hills of Pennsylvania, us kids would often play games and try to scare each other! We would hide in the dark behind a tree and jump out and scare someone and holler, “Scaredy-cat!” Lots of times it was my younger brother, and lots...
Hannah Jean Jules (also called “Anna”) was born in the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti. Her mother died when she was born, and she was given to Pastor Emmanuel, who had a church there (built by Love A Child). He brought her to our orphanage. Nothing is known of her father…Hannah was in poor health and...
You may have read the story of Jonas, the little boy we met in the village of Manacou. He had been working hard in the gardens with the men of the village when we met him. His parents were both dead, and he had no family to take him in. He slept in the bushes...
“The Story of Jonas” While our "feeding team” was preparing for a food distribution in a new village, they met this little boy, Jonas. Jonas was born high in the mountains of a village called Manacou, near Peyi Pouri. (It takes a “four-wheel-drive vehicle” to get there.) We noticed this little boy working hard in...
There are so many hungry children in Haiti that it is impossible for Love A Child to feed them all. We have many villages that we are feeding, some very far away, some in the mountains, some in the L’Artibonite area (a tough, dangerous road to travel), and many other areas. We also have many...
The winds are blowing, and the sea is rough! Is the Lord talking to you this morning? Do you feel like you are in the middle of a storm? Are the winds blowing, and the sea rough? One time, when Jesus was asleep in the bottom of the boat with his disciples, a huge storm came up. The disciples woke him...
Jonas, a Serious Mechanic... At the age of 18, Jonas Alce is loving basketball, soccer....and especially working with the mechanics. (This would-be "job security" because vehicles here are always breaking down!) We found Jonas during a Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains of Demesseau. His mother died, and his father could not take care of...