The Village of Manacou... Early this morning, we left for the mountains of Manacou, Haiti, with two "troop carriers full of food" and two more four-wheel-drive vehicles. (We tried to send a post early before we left, but due to internet connections, or lack of, it did not go through). This poor village has a...
“Just fill in the cracks!” Have you ever noticed how some people don’t want to do the “little things?” They want to be on the platform, or on the radio, or where people can see them, but they don’t want to do the small things. Here in Haiti, many poor people live in mud huts...
Mikalange is the twin of “Mika.” (We have two Mikas… so we named the other one, “Ti Mika.”) The twins were born high in the mountains of our “furthest, hardest to reach,” village, Covant. Many poor mothers in Haiti die in childbirth, especially when they are having twins or triplets. The mother’s health is poor...
These little darling children, Mona and Micheline, have never been to school. They have never had "three meals a day," and many days, they have not had "one meal." They live far in a mountain province, in a poor village deep in the mountains of Haiti. The majority of the women in this village do...
I just loved this note below that Wilner sent me last evening: Good evening Big Boss. I think we are fine with Jesus. These are pictures of the vegetables we harvested for the clinic kitchen, pikan kitchen, and Big Manman's kitchen. Spinach, green papaya, pepper, etc. The seed came from Hope Seeds. Wilner is the...
“Be of Good Cheer…” If you are like me, there is “no good news.” Each day, we see “no good news” on the TV or the internet. In the natural, it can be discouraging, but we must remember that “Jesus is still in control.” One side or the other may think “they” are in control,...
This picture of Fabienne was taken on Sunday as she was going to church. What a sweet, sweet shy girl! We have had Fabienne since she was about six years old. Her parents could not care for her, so we took her in. Fabienne is in her third year as a dental hygienist. She is...
Our Jesus Healing Center is a place where the sick and weary find “spiritual strength,” as well as physical strength. They not only receive medicine for their body, but they receive prayer and encouragement too! We are so thankful that Joyce Meyer Ministries — Hand of Hope sponsors the operating cost of this clinic, but they also do something else…we...
As you may know, one of our Love A Child children, little Samuel, age 4, was taken by ambulance to the hospital last evening with severe stomach pains. The hospital is going to release him today, depending on the results of the tests that will come out on Friday. We pray that it isn't anything...
Update Report on the Jesus Healing Center Staff Dormitory: The dorm for the Jesus Healing Center staff is being built next door to the new Jesus Healing Center. This is so that all of the doctors, nurses, lab techs, and staff can live there all week. Many live too far away, and it is much...