“Could this really be Zachary?” Wow! Just look at Zachary's baby picture the day we took him from his mother. To those of you who don’t know the story, Zachary's mother came to our Jesus Healing Center about a year ago.; she was ill, and our doctor checked her out but realized that she was...
The Silence of Haiti... People have been asking me, what are the real conditions in Haiti? I really don't like talking about it, but I will share some with you. Haiti is in a political, constitutional, economic, medical, and food crisis! Haiti has been on a Level Four, "do not travel warning" (most dangerous warning), since March 5,...
"Ask for a Big Thing!" II Kings 13:14, Elisha the great Prophet, respected by everyone, is sick and getting ready to die. Everyone has depended on his "words from the Lord," even Joash, King of Israel. Joash now hears that Elisha is dying, and he hurries to his bedside, crying. Elisha says, "Take bows and...
Ericka’s mother became ill right after she was born, probably due to the “childbirth fever.” After her mother died, Ericka grew worse and developed a horrible skin condition that was very contagious. We found a woman in a nearby village to care for her, but soon this became too much for her. She brought Ericka...
THE SILENCE OF HAITI... Be sure and read my 9:00 AM post tomorrow on the "Silence of Haiti" and what's really going on here. On TV, in newspapers, no one talks about it, outside of Haiti. The gangs and violence are out of control here. It seems like the international community does not care. Does...
This week, Bobby and Sherry Burnette have a chance to follow up with a mother who was desperate to save her premature and severely malnourished baby. After losing several children, she needed a miracle with this baby; she had lost all hope. Witness how fervent prayer and your support of programs like the Mobile Medical...
“But God looks on the heart…” I love the 1st and 2nd Books of Samuel and Kings! What great stories and lessons for us to learn. One of my favorites is the story of Samuel, the great Prophet of God, going to anoint “one of Jesse’s sons” to be King over Israel. My, Jesse had...
Betina loves to play with dolls and loves to draw, but doesn’t like sports and doesn’t like to dance. (This is not typical of all her other siblings!!) She would rather be cleaning her room and playing jokes on people. Betina also loves to pretend she is a teacher! (I can see that!) Betina is ten years old!...
Our new Malnutrition Center just opened about two weeks ago. We had four "severely malnourished babies" to begin with, but later we had eleven in our "out-patient care." Just look at these little rascals! I cannot believe what has happened in just a few weeks! They don't look the same at all. In fact, they...
When the devil starts messing, God starts blessing!! Run devil run! “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” James 4:7 On this Wednesday morning, run devil run!! Resist the devil today and he will flee! In Jesus’ name! Bobby Burnette