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Esther is a Big Help!

Esther… She is the sister of Widlene (who is in college studying to be a professional cook). Esther wanted to study to be a veterinarian, but there is no college here in Haiti that teaches this. She will have to find another college or change her track in life. Esther is a big help. She and one other young lady help us with the kids here at our Orphanage. She is a devout Christian and a hard worker.

Yesterday, she and her siblings worked in our Food Distribution Center all day, in the heat, packing food bags for the biggest distribution we have ever had in Haiti. We are always proud of our Love A Child children because all of them have been taught to work hard and help the poor! We love Esther and we pray for the Lord’s direction in her life. Thank you, partners.


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Joshua… Off to Church with a Politician’s Smile!

This is Joshua, one of our youngest! I caught this picture when he was on his way to church!! He loves to sing, but he sings “off-key!” He is growing so fast, I can’t keep him in “church clothes!!” He is “always into something,” and he knows how to “wrap the lady workers around his little finger!”

He is always talking and when he talks, he stutters because he can’t talk fast enough! I used to think he would make a good pastor, but now I’m thinking, “he’ll probably make a better politician!”


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Word from the Mission Field

“For we walk by faith and not by sight.” Il Corinthians 5:7

I really hate walking in the dark. You can’t see where you are going. You might even step into a hole. Faith is a “walk in the dark.” You don’t know how you are going to pay that bill, but that’s where God comes in. The doctor says, “You have melanoma cancer and you don’t have much time to live.” This is what the doctor told Bobby years ago. But faith in God brought us through. You may be “in the dark today,” not knowing how you will come out of this thing you are going through, but follow in His footsteps and Jesus will lead the way. “We walk by faith, not by sight!” God will bring you through!


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More Pictures from the Food Distribution

Wow! Praise the Lord!

Everyone got so much food, they had to have help carrying their big sacks of food home. One person could not carry all the food by themselves! Thank you, partners! We just had to send you more pictures! Thank you so much for blessing the poor! We did it “together!” Six truckloads of food! All the Glory goes to God!


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Dieubon AKA “Sponge Bob, Haiti”

During a Mobile Medical Clinic years ago, Dr. Falterman laid his eyes on a young boy with “double clubfoot.” That little boy was Dieubon. (His name means “God is Good.”)

Dr. Falterman and his wife, Debbie, took Dieubon back to the States for several operations, including spinal problems. After healing, Dieubon was returned to Haiti.

Sadly enough, Dr. Falterman passed on, but he was in the “arms of Jesus!” Dieubon, who had always been short, remained with us, finished school, and joined the “painting team!”

He decided to grow a beard because all young Haitian guys say the ladies here “love men with beards!” Hmm.

Dieubon is always happy, always smiling, and always ready for a laugh or a joke! The kids nicknamed him… “SpongeBob Haiti!”
Everyone loves him!


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Who is My Neighbor?

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan. The story was told by Jesus, in Luke, Chapter 10. Sometimes we may ask ourselves, “Just who is my neighbor?” Your neighbor is the one that is suffering, and Jesus wants you to help him (or her). Since the gangs have invaded many areas of Haiti close to us, hundreds and hundreds of families have had to flee their homes. The “gangs” have taken over! When this happens, during the day or night, the family has to leave “with the clothes on their backs,” with their children. They can only take a cooking pot and usually a container for water. They wander the streets looking for a safe place to sleep… sometimes, under a tree, or a church porch, anywhere. They are hungry until somehow, they get a little food.

Recently, we were asked to help feed five hundred families who had fled the town of Ganthier, 8 miles from us. With the help of our partners, we bought spaghetti, macaroni, cooking oil, sugar, rice, beans, dry fish, spices, and packs of water. Each mother who came for food, got two “HUGE” sacks of food, so heavy, that they had to have help to carry it!! This food will last them one week and we will feed them again the following week. This food lets them know that “you” still love them and care about them. Just look at these pictures and know that you can “sleep tonight” because you have helped the poor! Sherry and I know that God will bless you according to Psalms 41:1-3… the seven supernatural blessings to those who help the poor! God bless you, thank you, and sleep well, knowing you have fed the hungry and God is well-pleased.

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“We are Always on His Mind.”

God is so big and so powerful that we cannot comprehend Him! Yet, He knows when a little sparrow falls from the sky. He knows our name, and everything about us! Isaiah 49:16 declares… “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of My hands; thy walls are continually before Me.” He has “carved your name on the palms of His hand.” It is impossible for God to forget you!! There was a great country song with the words that said,

“You Are Always on My Mind.” That’s how much the Lord loves you. “You are always on His mind.” God loves you and so do I.


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Next to Genius

When the 2010 earthquake hit Haiti, many orphanages, schools, and other buildings collapsed. We took in children from a handicapped orphanage. When everyone moved back into other buildings, we kept Jean Richard. We soon saw that he was “extremely intelligent!” He taught himself to play keyboard. When time came for college, he wanted to learn computers and further his music career. He just graduated from college a few months ago, and now has a job working in the technical department with computers and music.

We feel so blessed to raise children to young adults who put Jesus first! God always uses those we least expect! God bless our partners who have helped us raise these children from babies to adults!

God bless you,

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Things are calm here in Fond Parisien. Our children are fine. Several thousand have fled from the gangs to the mountains, sleeping on the side of a road under trees. Some families are with a relative in the mountains in a very small house, no larger than a small living room in America. Many have two or three families on top of each other. It’s very heartbreaking.

Tomorrow, here in Fond Parisien, we will give 500 families who lost their homes due to gangs food for one week. Then we will do the same next week.

The 400 Mawozo gang is saying they will open the bridge just above Ganthier for traffic to come through on Thursday, the 15th. I’m hoping Fond Parisien opens the road on this end so the farmers from the mountains can take their produce to Port-au-Prince.

SOS! We need help! It seems like no one in the Haitian government cares what happens out here and in many other areas in Haiti. The Haitian government certainly does not care about their Haitian people. I have never seen a country abuse and treat its people like the way they do.

Now, the Kenyans are wanting $600,000,000 more dollars.

For what? This is a total scam to the Haitian and American people. A lot of folks are getting rich. Not the poor Kenyans. They are pawns in the game.

My respect to the few police and Haitian military, and the community brigade who have been risking their life to save our area from the gangs. They lost Ganthier to the gangs, but now they are stationed near us, ready to protect and fight! We still have some big surprises.

If we have ever needed your prayers, we do now.

Praying for Haiti. Praying for the gangs. All of this makes my heart very sad.

Bobby and Sherry, Founders of Love A Child

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New LAC TV Program “Feeding Haiti’s Children” Begins Saturday!

Amid severe poverty, a destitute woman struggles to care for her hungry children, yet her unwavering faith shines brightly despite having nothing. Her situation, one of immense hardship, mirrors the plight of many in her community who face daily battles for survival. Moved by her resilience and determination, Sherry Burnette steps in to offer a small sum of money—a gesture that, while seemingly modest, holds profound significance. This act of kindness is not just a temporary relief for the woman’s immediate needs but a powerful tool for transformation. By empowering the woman to start her own business, Sherry underscores a critical mission: to enable Haitians to build sustainable livelihoods. This initiative highlights the importance of self-sufficiency and dignity in overcoming poverty, aiming to break the cycle of dependency and pave the way for long-term prosperity within the community.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in tomorrow afternoon to Daystar Television Network at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DIRECTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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