It seems like yesterday that Noah was found at our gate here at Love A Child. He had been abandoned, probably by his mother. He had been beaten, had teeth marks on his body, and scars from where he had been beaten. Noah had no hair, and he had severe malnutrition... Noah required lots of...
We just dedicated our Malnutrition Center two days ago, but there is a lot to do before we can open it (within two weeks) for those little ones. Operating a Malnutrition Center is much more “fragile” than a clinic. These babies and toddlers are on the brink between life and death. Everything must be in...
We love giving food to hungry families and children. We receive food from our friends at Feed My Starving Children. This food is so nourishing for the children. We appreciate every single partner who helps us with food because when you put your gifts together with others, it helps so much. We want to thank Pastor...
"Following Directions." Mankind has always been bad about "following directions." It started in the garden of Eden when the Lord said, "You can eat of every tree in the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat." Genesis 2:17 Fast-forward to II Kings Chapter Five. What a story....
Dieubon is such a funny guy! He came to us when he had really, really deformed clubfeet; he was about the age of five. We sent him to the states for surgery and he stayed in the home of our dear friends, Doc and Debbie, for about two years. When he came back to Haiti,...
We love all the children here at Love A Child, but the older girls have a special love for “Poppie.” He is more than a father to them. They “dote” on him! On Sunday, almost everyone walks to church, but some of the older girls find it difficult to walk in heels (so they say!)...
“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21 This is a simple but powerful verse. When someone does a bad thing to us, most people want to return with a vengeance. The Bible teaches us to do good to them which hate us. Matthew 5:44 Love is something you do... Bobby Burnette
These are some of "Sherry's babies." They are teens and pre-teens, but they are still our babies! We love these children… the first picture is of Daniella, Roberta, Daphline, and Mika. Next to it is another picture of more children and "Pistache," who had severe malnutrition when we found him. Each child has a story......
A group of our girls from Love A Child have formed a “Dance Praise Team.” They call their dance team, “The Little Angels.” (Ha!) Seriously, they do well in school and they work hard to keep their home clean. They have several dances. Kristela and Daniella are the instructors! These are the girls who did...
"Don't Even Think About It!" I can remember years ago when I used to go to bed "worrying" about may have been a doctors' appointment, or a bill to pay, or someone we had to meet that we weren't looking forward to...I used to dread "tomorrow." I knew there were bills to pay, and...