She was born in Croix-des-Bouquets. When her mother died, her father Fritzner got a job fixing bicycle tires but that was not enough to buy milk for the baby. By the time he came to us, she was malnourished and full of oozing sores. She cried constantly. She is sweet, but she is mentally challenged....
Because of strategic reasons, I cannot go into great detail. But I can tell you that some of our security team wanted to explore the topography outside of the high razor-wired concrete walls of the compound. The security team described where they wanted to go based on satellite images. They saw trails from the sky....
“Our Blessed Hope.” When things in our lives go “from bad to worse,” we have hope that the world does not have to also! “Behold, He cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him.” Revelation 1:7 Have...
The kids in our orphanage always give one another a nickname! The kids all just take it “with a grain of salt!” Fritzner’s nickname is “Pa sou sa,” or “I’m not interested in that!” Actually, that’s a good name for Fritzner because he is very focused! He was just four months old when Pastor Justin, from...
Have you ever needed something and at the last minute decided to shoot over to the local grocery store or pharmacy? It's not that simple here. Boxed in by the gangs, the only place to purchase much-needed items is in the Dominican Republic. And the only town big enough to have what is needed is...
God is greater than the flood! “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19 Do not be discouraged this morning. The Lord is with you! The flood from the enemy will not overcome you! God is raising up a standard! When the devil starts messing,...
He is in love with Mommie Sherry! I don’t know why he has such a connection to me! He’s such a sweet kid, but this “sweet kid,” just missed his mother’s butcher knife! We met his mother when she arrived at our clinic about three years ago! She had many children. When she came to...
The laughter of the children's home fills the air. Nothing better than some water fun! Worries fade and the simple pleasures of childhood shine bright. We are reminded of God's love and everyone's prayers for safety surrounding these amazing kids and LAC. Together, we are molding lives and creating memories. These children are learning to...
No Place to Hide! I cannot even imagine trying to hide from God! Jonah thought he could run away from God, and God sent a great whale to swallow him up! Jonah was stubborn and would not do what God wanted him to do. What does God have to do to get our attention? He...
As parents, it is within us to make sure our children eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Imagine being a mother of three small children under the age of five and waking up in the morning not knowing how and if you're going to be able to feed them anything. This is the daily...