Just look at how the Lord has blessed our land here in Fond Parisien. We started our first service as an outdoor “small brush arbor” type of service. The “meanest man” on the property, “Daisy” got saved! So we moved the “church” into our “Carpenter Shop!" We outgrew that and moved the church into this...
“How to Handle Your Enemies.” We all have enemies, let’s face it. Most times, it is because of jealousy. David had enemies too; in fact, King Saul was “number one” on the list… all because of jealousy. David prayed this prayer, “Mine enemies would daily swallow me up: for they be many that fight against...
It is a rare thing to see any of our kids laying in bed or sitting around with a cell phone. We have a “few” here for the older children who are in university, but basically, they are supposed to be working, cooking, singing, studying, or helping. We are trying to train them for a...
Many of you know Jackson (Jasson in Creole) from the first time we ever saw him, during a Mobile Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti. We were “deep in the mountains and this little boy with a “huge stomach” was brought to us by his uncle. The little boy had a “huge, bloated stomach,” bloated face,...
The Christmas music is wide open and all the children are singing and praising the Lord!! They love decorating. This all starts at Thanksgiving. They start earlier each year. Ha! Everyone is so happy because Jonathan Burnette and his family are coming in. Julie and her husband were coming, but due to her husband’s passport...
Haitians don’t celebrate Thanksgiving as we do in the states. Christmas and especially New Year's are big holidays. Although they don’t have money for gifts, they have a lot of church services and love to listen to songs on the radio. Our children here have sponsors who send in gifts for Christmas, so the kids...
“Inasmuch as he have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. For I was an hungered, and you gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed...
We just received a call from Nixon, from the Jesus Healing Center. The hospital called and said Jackson is doing better and to come and get him! We pray now that the driver will be safe on the road to get Jackson because it is very dangerous to travel at night... But, look at how...
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 — I believe more in the invisible than the things, which are seen. Faith is the evidence of things not seen! By faith, I can see the Lord saving your family right now, healing your body, prospering you,...
Poor sweet Nazalie (also known as Rachael). She is a precious and beautiful little girl. Her mother died during childbirth and with four other children, her father could not care for her. He brought her to us… She is ten years old now and in the fourth grade. She used to be a “zero stress”...