"Well, well, well!" Just who would you be? You wouldn't by chance be that fussy, fussy baby that kept everyone up all night? Ha! What happened to "the real Zoey?” This just doesn't look like the baby we took in! Zoey was found abandoned on the road to Old Letant. (I believe her mother saw...
We are so thankful that we are able to help other missionaries. When we first moved to Haiti, no one helped us with food. We applied to several big organizations, and no help was available. Now, we have a lot of hungry children to feed. When God blesses us with food, we not only feed...
Our Birthing Center is always full of joy! Christian music is always playing, and anxious fathers are rocking on the "porch!" Inside, our wonderful "midwives" are busy with the poor pregnant mothers and new babies! We want to thank our friends for all of their sweet boxes of "birthing items," blankets, and baby items! We will...
Have you ever prayed for someone that you thought was “impossible for God to save?” Maybe you prayed because you “had to,” but in your heart you thought, “that will never happen!” Sometimes, the one you think will never turn to God is just the one God is running after! Years ago, when we were...
Little Peterson, the one with the round little face, and his brother Jepth-te, are back in school and doing great! You would think that these two little boys, who have been through a horrendous situation in Haiti, would be sad and frightened. This would happen to any child in the U.S. who has been through what...
Casimi made it back safely this morning with our load of 1,500 bags of rice from the port! 42,000 pounds of premium rice for the Haitian people, praise the Lord! Yesterday it was not safe to return through the gunfire, gangs, and protesters. Casimi, you are our hero for the poor! I’m thankful for all...
It is such a blessing to give food to missionaries in Haiti that feed children and have the same burden that we do. We are thankful to Feed My Starving Children for their donation of one container of food each month. We feel led to concentrate on feeding children with this particular donation. Here is...
"God never promised that the road would be easy…" Some people think that "just because we are Christians" things are easy… Or maybe new coverts to Jesus think, "I'm not going to have any problems, trials, or tests…" How far is that from the truth!? Have you ever noticed that when the Lord tells you...
UPDATE: Casimi had to stay in Port-au-Prince this evening. Nelio, our Love A Child Director, told Casimi not to try to leave the port with our rice because it was too dangerous. There has been gunfire and a lot of gang activity. Please pray that Casimi will have a safe trip back tomorrow. May the angels...
Jovanie just returned from a day visit to her midwifery college in Hinche, Haiti. It is about a four-hour drive from us. She already completed nursing school but wanted to go on to study to become a midwife (also called “Fanm Saj” in Creole). When she saw our beautiful new Jesus Healing Center, she was...