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We have mentioned in the past that when the timing of the Lord comes, we would like to build a “food distribution center” in southern Haiti. The time has come!! We are thankful for “Life Changers International Church” in Chicago and their pastor and our friend, Pastor Gregory Dickow. The project[…]

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Dreams To Become A Doctor

Everyone calls her Ada, but her real name is Jessica. She is the sister of Raphael and Bianca, who also live here at our orphanage. She is now 17 years old and in the 11th grade. (There are 13 school grades in Haiti.) Ada and her siblings were brought to us[…]

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Food Distribution in Brossard

According to estimates, thousands of Haitians are “a step away from famine,” and there is expected to be a 10% increase in the number of Haitian children suffering from acute malnutrition between now and November. We are losing a generation before our very eyes due to the malicious acts of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Open Your Hand Wide.” “If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, not shut thy hand from the poor brother; But thou shalt open[…]

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Daniello… Look at That Smile!

Daniello… We found him during a Mobile Clinic in “Old Letant.” His father had been hit in the head with a rock and he died. After this, his mother died. The people of this village were very poor and could barely find food for their own children. That’s why we[…]

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I know everyone is wanting to know what our miracle was. On Thursday, March 28th we could not let you know what was happening for security reasons. Thank you to everyone for all your prayers. The Lord gave favor and miracles. Actually, in those two weeks, the Lord gave two[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Take Up Your Cross and Follow Me.” Matthew 16:24 Kathryn Kuhlman, a great evangelist in the 60’s and 70’s, once said, “Paying the price is not a one-time experience. It must happen each day, and it must be etched in our hearts continuously.” No, this is not a “one-time thing,”[…]

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Daniella has a Bright Future!

Daniella… We have three sets of twins here at Love A Child. Daniella is one of them. She and her twin brother, Daniel, were supposed to be triplets. When their mother went to the hospital to give birth, there were problems on the street. Men with guns would not let anyone[…]

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Haiti News Update

Everyone has been asking what the secret miracle was that happened on the Thursday before Easter. For security reasons, we have not been sharing. The miracle blessed several thousands of Haitian people. Tomorrow morning, I will be sharing with you for the first time what the miracle was. Thank you[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THIS DAY BELONGS TO THE LORD! “This is the day the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and Be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24 “Today and every day this week belongs to the Lord. I will not be afraid of what my come my way. I will not fear[…]

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