Our Jesus Healing Center is saving lives! Listen to this story of a miracle. On August 7th, a young man named Miscadin Estenio from Miracle Village was excited to have a new motorbike! He got a call from someone saying they would pay him to take them to Old Letant, but it was a trap. When Estenio arrived in the mud hut village of Old Letant, a man started stabbing him in the neck and chest to steal his motorcycle! He fell to the ground, nearly dead. Somehow, the people of the village got him to our clinic,...
Our girls at the Love A Child Children’s Home love to cook because they love to eat! They are always trying out a new recipe on their brothers and sisters, but they don’t mind it at all. Wideline is giving cooking lessons each Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! (She is the one with the long dark braided hair.) She is very mature and really helps me a lot! Our macaroni in the States usually has a lot of cheese but the girls came up with a different kind that has all kinds of garden herbs in it! They passed it out to all of their brothers and sisters for a taste test. It was spicy but very good! It is so good to see young teenage girls cooking and...
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6: 9 Let us not be weary in doing good. Let us not grow tired in helping others bless the poor. The Lord is saying, “… we shall reap, if we faint not.” A harvest is coming! When we plant a...
With all twins, you usually have two "opposites." With Mika and Mikalange, the same is true. Mika is slow-moving and "quiet." She does not raise her voice...you may not even know she is there, but she is intelligent and hardworking! She will do anything you ask her to do. She loves music and is learning the...
Work continues on our new Jesus Healing Center. We had 15 more workers come in today to begin to lay the tile. They are “tile experts!” The picture of the big posts and men working is where the ambulance will drive up for emergencies. (We have LOTS of emergencies here in this area of Fond...
We are hearing reports of rivers flooding in certain areas of Haiti, and some roads are flooded. I received a call from Pastor Souffrance who is up in Peyi Pouri. He told me that a lot of the poor people have lost their tin roofs, as well as some of their animals. He is going to two villages further up (i.e. Badgi) and will give us a report when he comes back. Haiti has very little topsoil...
The tropical storm that hit the Dominican Republic and Haiti yesterday killed at least 13 people in the Dominican Republic. The death toll in Haiti so far is 11... A female doctor was driving with her baby when she saw the storm and flood of water! She took her baby from the car and they...
"Who do you ‘cleave’ to?" Elimelech was a man from Bethlehem-Judah who married a woman from the country of Moab. Her name was Naomi. They had two sons who married Ruth and Orpha from Moab. Soon, the man and his two sons died, leaving his wife, Naomi, and two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpha, to "not...
Yolanda Burnette is 13 years old and in the 8th grade. Wow! These kids are growing up! I can remember it like it was yesterday… A poor mother, Marie Elmise, who attended our church in the mountains of Covant, had given birth to a baby girl. (Many Haitian women die during or right after childbirth due...
Why our Birthing Center is so important… Many people have asked us why we built our Birthing Center. Most of the children from our Love A Child Orphanage, which is now known as the Love A Child Children's Home, have come to us because their mothers died during childbirth or soon after. This little sweetie,...