"Dangerous Faith..." It's only "dangerous" to the devil! Back in the '50s there was a great man of God named "Jack Coe." Whether you believe in divine healing or not doesn't matter to those who were healed...many of whom were elderly women. Jack Coe believed that "God would heal" anyone of anything! He was known...
Jovanie was brought to us when she was about five years old. Her mother was very poor, and she had malnutrition. We agreed to keep her for a while to try to get her back to health, but “time” passed by. She has now finished nursing college and has just started in a midwife college...
We are so thankful to David and Angie George along with his friends who gave the money to build a Love A Child Church in a very poor area in the Dominican Republic where a lot of Haitians live. What a blessing! We love the Dominican and Haitian people. Most people don’t know it, but...
Dressing up for church! All Haitians love to “dress up for church!” Even the little boys love to have nice pants and a nice shirt (preferably long-sleeved) and they would just “love” to have a suit and tie, even if it was 90 degrees! This is “baby Zoey!” Wow! This kid started out to be...
WE HONOR OUR FATHERS TODAY “Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12 The Bible has much to say about both our earthly father and our heavenly father... We love and honor our fathers today. I remember when I...
Davidson... He is the brother of David. Davidson and David are twins. (In Haiti, if you have twins, the Government of Haiti (Social Services) wants everyone to name twins "almost alike," i.e. Mika and Mikalange, Daniel and Daniella... So this is Davidson, and his brother is David. I originally named "Davidson" "Jonathan,” but they didn’t...
School is still not in session here in Haiti but we have a teacher at our Love A Child Children’s Home who helps our smaller children with their studies. We are thankful to our partners who help with school supplies and other things the children need. These school packs were donated by our friend, Alma!...
Dimelia (Didi), has been with us since the age of three. She had fallen into a pot of boiling water and her skin was melted from her neck down to her waist. When her father brought her to us, she was, indeed, a sad little girl. We sent her back and forth to the Shriners Hospital...
Seed and Harvest time! While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Genesis 8:22 He which Soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9: 6 When we plant a seed, expect a...
This is Yonel. He is now 29. Bobby and I remember the first time we saw him. His grandmother had brought him to one of our Mobile Medical Clinics in the mountains. He had severe, severe marasmus malnutrition. He had no hair and looked like "a skeleton!" You could count every bone in his body....