“Ride Out the Storm!” I don’t like riding in small airplanes or small boats. I have been in both and have had bad experiences, but God brought me through!! Years ago, Bobby decided to get his “airplane license” so that he could go to Haiti and other islands to preach the gospel. Bobby has a...
I remember the day like it was “yesterday.” Mark Crea came to Haiti with a “Feed My Starving Children” team! We were in the village of Old Letant! Bobby was interviewing Mark for our TV program. I was back near a hut. I watched as a woman picked up a dirty toddler by “one arm”...
We are so proud of our medical team from our “Jesus Healing Center.” Despite the gangs and the threats, our devoted team has no intentions of leaving or abandoning their post! They are still here, taking on the worst cases imaginable! Some patients require a “lot of care,” but no one is in a hurry....
“God Doesn’t Even Know I’m Here.” That’s what some people say, when they are in the midst of a trial. But, it’s not easy to get away from the loving arms of God… “Thou compasseth my path and my lying down and art acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word in...
This evening, our Love A Child orphanage kids got to go "out for pizza and ice cream" at Dieuferly's restaurant, called Fresh Foods (formerly Epidor). This beautiful restaurant is located at our "Mache Mirak." You will recall that this past week, all of our Haitian orphanage children worked for days, in our "Food Distribution Center"...
David Desir… He is now 11 years old. Ti David (little David), is a tough little guy but so sweet and hard-working!! David was the 7th child of his parents but they could not care for another child. A kind neighbor tried to care for the baby but with her own children, there was no...
Someone was telling me last night that the gangs in Haiti are not listed as gangs. For legal reasons, they are classified as terrorists. In Ganthier just 8 miles from us, the terrorists still have the town. None of the 2,000 families that the 400 Mawozo ran from their homes have returned. Ganthier needs to...
“For I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meat. I was thirsty, and ye gave Me drink. I was a stranger, and ye took Me in: Naked and ye clothed Me. I was sick and ye visited Me. I was in prison, and ye came unto Me.” Matthew 25:35-36 “In as much as ye...
We will be posting an important Haiti update post tomorrow around noon. Enjoy more pictures taken by Dieuferly this morning of our food distribution for 500 Ganthier families. Thank you, partners, we all did it together! Love is something you do! Bobby Burnette
We first found Miliana when we were filming a "Love A Child" program. She was from the poor village of Madamn Bauje. We had just finished talking about the poverty, the hunger, and the need to continue to feed this village, when we looked across a ravine and saw a little girl. She had red...