THE HARVEST IS RIPE! “Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2 Is the Lord calling you today? The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few. Are you willing...
Ti Daniel (Daniello) Burnette… We found him in the village of Old Letant when he was a baby. His parents were dead, and he was being cared for by relatives who lived in a mud hut. I feared that he would die, so we took him in. But we began to notice that he was...
The Facebook post below actually came in from David George yesterday. This morning David called me from the hospital in Santo Domingo with the plastic surgeon. Dimelia was crying. We all have some important decisions to make. The plastic surgeon gave Dimelia a shot for pain. She must have the shot every 15 days… Please...
These are some more sweeties that are eating a big meal each day because of you, our partners! Here is a note from Matthew Twenty Eight, one of the organizations we share our food with each month. “Dear Bobby and Sherry, Thank you for the food distribution we received. As you know it is one...
I read some of the comments when I posted the story about the “trial of your faith…" Those comments, and some in particular, touched my heart so much. I had tears in my eyes when I read some of them. I could feel the pain that some of you are going through. You feel that you...
This is Stanley. You may or may not have seen him before, but he is one of our Love A Child kids. He came to us from an orphanage in Cap-Haitien when he was a young boy. The Creole there is a little different, so when he first came and was talking to our boys,...
During the 3-week class on sustainable gardening, the students get plenty of classroom time, but they also get a lot of “practical,” hands-on experience too. This builds their confidence in addition to giving them firsthand knowledge. Yesterday, the students were preparing a new garden site, just as they’ll do when they return home. They selected...
We love sharing the food that we receive with other organizations. When we first moved to Haiti, we had feeding programs and tried so hard to get help from large organizations, but we never received any. We determined that when God blesses us, we would help others. Now, each month we share our food with...
“God can use anyone or anything.” Sometimes we limit God when we have a problem. Or maybe we think we should help God out or give Him advice when His ways are better than our ways. This story is told in the Bible, 2 Chronicles 14:11… Asa was the son of King Abijah, King of Judah....
We are so proud of our daughter, Jovanie! She had already graduated from nursing college and is now in Hinch, studying to be a mid-wife. She has been there six months so far and loves it! When she graduates, she will be working at our Birthing Center! Our dream is for all our Love A...