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Zoey… Our Future Nurse!

Zoey is a cute and “chunky” little girl and she is now four. We can remember like it was yesterday when we found her “discarded on the old road to New Letant.” When we found her, she was crying and hungry but we first had to take her to the[…]

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Haiti News Update & Jackson and Job Update

Prime Minister Ariel Henry of Haiti has resigned, as the gangs run rampant through most of the country. He said he would stay until a transition takes place in the government. He is still outside of the country. I can’t see the gangs letting him back in the country. Haiti’s[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t be wishy-washy!” That’s what my mom always said. It means that if you stand for something, don’t jump ship! Don’t back down but stand for what you believe! We, the “body of Christ,” must stand for what we believe! The Apostle Paul put it this way, “Therefore, my beloved brethren,[…]

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Zachary… He’s a “Mama’s Boy!”

Zachary is now three. He “almost didn’t survive” the first couple of months of his life because his “Voodoo” mother tried to kill him! We saved his life! He came to our clinic in the arms of his mother. He was a couple of months old. When our doctor was[…]

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The Merchants Success Stories!

SUCCESS STORIES! We’ve had 115 more people give $150 to put a Haitian family into business. The mothers are the best sellers. Read the story below of Madamn Pierre. The money helps them buy the product for sale. Dieuferly and John Gardy (our grown Haitian sons who are very successful[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“There is Nothing too Hard for God.” When you live in a foreign country, like Haiti, especially now, your faith is tested in ways you have never known. We used to be able to “drive anywhere in Haiti, in safety.” But not now. We cannot even go to the grocery[…]

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The U.S. military flew in marines to evacuate the non-essential personnel from the U.S. Embassy in the middle of the night. The embassy has been paralyzed, surrounded by gangs. PTL! The gangs have been pushed from our area of Ganthier and Fond Parisien. Our area has been on red alert,[…]

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Love A Child Church in Sapaterre

The “Mud Cookie Village.” Love A Child has a beautiful church in the village of Sapaterre, the “mud cookie village.” This is where we discovered that many of those “mud cookies” were being made and sold to hungry children. With your help, we distributed a lot of food there and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If You’re Stingy with God, He’ll Be Stingy with You!” God “loves” a cheerful giver! The book of Proverbs gives us so much insight about God and His Word and His love… We know that God loves “cheerful givers,” so, if you don’t really want to give in an offering[…]

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Whatever Happened to Djonsly?

You may remember back a few years ago, this young man, Djonsly, was brought to our small clinic in Fond Parisien, by his mother. Djonsly’s mother had noticed that his right eye had begun “bulging out of its eye socket!” She, like the woman in the Bible, “tried many physicians,”[…]

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