As Love A Child embarks on its journey to Mon Oreg, Sherry comes across a family where a child is dealing with a profoundly distressing and precarious injury. The touching reality surfaces as parents, driven to find work, leave their young children alone at home, vulnerable to unforeseen dangers. Forced to fend for themselves, these kids suffer injuries that remain unattended in the isolated mountains. Your support serves as a vital lifeline, empowering Love A Child to deliver crucial food and healthcare to these distressed villages. Additionally, it brings hope to the hopeless and sheds light on the narratives of the working children of Haiti.
We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in tomorrow afternoon to Daystar Television Network at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DIRECTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.
We all wish we could live in a “perfect world of peace,” but that’s not always possible. When David was a shepherd boy, watching over his father’s sheep, it was mostly a time when he could sing and play his harp and write music, and Psalms.
But there came times when the young shepherd had to fight a lion and a bear from taking his father’s sheep.
The Bible never says that “David ran home and told his father” about the lion or the bear. It was “just another day” of taking care of sheep to him.
But God was preparing him for the “giant” and for war!
Do not look at the things you are going through “as if God has forgotten you.” Look up! God has not forgotten you… He is “preparing you!”
He has never left you of His sight!! And He never will!!
Dorissant’s mother died, and his father abandoned him. You would think that Dorissant would have emotional problems but not so! This 12-year-old loves to work and loves to play soccer! His dream is to become a mechanic! He will be going into Junior High.
He came to us yesterday wanting to start work at the ATC, agricultural program. I went down to the Depot to try to find some work boots for him. I found a pair, so he will start working tomorrow at our Agricultural Training Center. Dorissant is a sweet young, hardworking young teen! He will go far in his life!!
An old man of God preached a sermon one time on, “How Bad Do You Want It?”
Most Christians ask the Lord for something and then whine around when we don’t get it immediately, but “faith without works is dead… dead faith.”
Jesus had been wearied with preaching and praying for the sick. He oftentimes had to get away from all the hundreds of people swarming around Him. He and His disciples had gone to Capernaum to a small house (much like a home healing service). He finally made it inside but there was such a mob outside that “no one else could get in.”
Four men came with a handmade stretcher carrying a man “sick of the palsy” from birth. There was no way at all to get in through the front door, so they carried him up on the roof, which was made of mud, clay, and stones. They actually had to break up the clay mud, and all the sticks, and things that held the roof together.
They must have thought, “If we can just get this man on his cot in front of Jesus he will be healed.” While Jesus is ministering, down from the ceiling (or what was left of it) came a man on a cot being lowered by four ropes… Jesus healed him. Was it the faith of the paralyzed man or the faith of the four men who lowered him? I believe it was both! This is called “Desperate Faith” or “Crazy Faith!”
If you “really want the Lord to do something in your life which requires a miracle,” you need to do “something desperate with your faith!” We call this “crazy faith!” You have to “break up a roof” or “give your last cake” or put a couple of stones in your sling and run towards the giant! That’s “crazy faith,” and it works!
Jackson will be returning to the Dominican Republic tomorrow for more doctor’s visits. He lost two bottom teeth last month when he was in our clinic, went into a seizure, and fell out of bed, losing his two bottom teeth in the fall. Many of you know that we found him in the mountains during a Mobile Clinic with a huge, swollen belly. He had “Kwashiorkor Malnutrition.”
After a few years, his left leg has become crooked and the doctors in the Dominican Republic don’t have a lot of hope that it will ever be normal. Last year, after doing “very well” in 9th grade, he missed the last major test because he had to go back to the Dominican Republic. So he had to repeat 9th grade! They would not let him take his test late! He needs to come back to Haiti one more time to take that test… again.
One of our partners recently sent in some bicycles for our kids. While Jackson was helping me in the depot, he wanted to try on the bike helmet and have his picture taken with the bike, as if he were “just a normal kid.” Please remember him in your prayers. “With God, all things are possible!”
PS: You will see Jackson leaving tomorrow with Philemond our driver, and several nurses for his dialysis routine.
Guerline Pierre’s journey began in hardship near the Haiti-Dominican Republic border. With 14 children to care for, she faced immense challenges and heartbreaking losses. Despite these difficulties, Guerline remained resilient and determined to create a better life for her family.
Through the support of Love A Child and her determination, Guerline started a small business aimed at providing for her family’s needs. Starting with modest resources, she persevered and soon became a top seller in the selling program with many other Marchants. Her business grew steadily, allowing her to expand her operations and improve their living conditions.
Today, we went there for a visit; Guerline’s business is thriving. With her profits, she invested in metal sheets and 2×4 wood to expand her workspace. Her business has become a cornerstone of the community, offering essential goods and services. Guerline’s journey from hardship to the success path is a testament to her resilience, hard work, and unwavering determination.
Her achievements and contributions to her community make her a symbol of hope and perseverance. Guerline’s dedication to improving her family’s life through entrepreneurship is inspiring. Her story exemplifies the transformative power of perseverance and determination, deserving recognition and encouragement as she continues to inspire others with her remarkable journey…
We all go through trials and hard times. I almost lost the “love of my life” years ago, before we moved to Haiti. We had a dream and a vision, but it had not come to pass yet. Bobby and I were struggling, preaching, trying to find God’s will for our lives, when I discovered Bobby had a “strange looking spot” on his side! It was very hard to get him to go to a doctor, but he finally agreed. When the results came back, it was Melanoma, stage three. We had no insurance, so the doctor said, “It’s a major surgery but I’ll just have to operate here in my office.” I could not understand why Bobby had cancer, and yet, God had already had a plan for our lives on the mission field.
That day, he did “major surgery” on Bobby “in his office” with “only local anesthesia.” I “lifted up my eyes to my Lord” and prayed all the way through the surgery. Days later, the results came in… “no more cancer found.” Today, no matter what you are facing, “lift up your eyes” to the mighty God we serve, as this is where our help comes from. Have a blessed day.
Jolina is a very special young lady. She was born high in the mountains of Savaan Roche. Her father had been killed and her mother could not take care of her. She was just a baby when the pastor brought her to us.
Jolina is smart! She made high grades in school. Even though she is “kinda loud,” she is sweet and a hard worker. Each day, she goes to our clinic to volunteer to work in lab. She always does everything “just right!” She is still making up her mind about her future, but you can be sure that whatever she decides, she will be good at it! We all love this “tough cookie!”
This morning our Miracle Village soccer bleachers arrived from America via the Dominican Republic / Haiti. Today, Jesse Ostrander will be coming in to put all the bleachers together along with our Haitian volunteers. Soccer is hot here!
Thank you to the anonymous donor family who sponsored this project. It will bring joy to the youth in the midst of all this chaos here in Haiti. The youth are the future of Haiti.
Also, PTL for Dean and his wife for sending down 12 new bicycles!!! Thank you!