His mother died when he was very young, and his father could not care for Wilguens and his sister Fabiola. Sometimes their father left them alone for days at a time while he tried to find work. The two siblings were malnourished! He took the children to Social Services here in Haiti and they called...
Despite the gangs and the threats, the poor in Haiti are still hungry! We are getting ready for another “big” food distribution, as we did last week, for 500 other families from Ganthier. When you give, the Lord multiplies the loaves and fishes!! All those hungry families that we fed last week were “praising the...
Join us as we visit Old Letant, where Bobby and Sherry deliver food and clothes to a village grappling with poverty. Witness the story of a courageous, young girl, who takes on the tasks and responsibilities of an adult to aid her family after losing her father. The crisis in Haiti grows bigger by the...
Stand, when all and everyone is against you… The story of Job is a great story in the Bible. The story was written even before the Bible. In Job’s day, he had no Christian radio, Christian TV, or even a Christian church to attend… No Christian books or any literature to read. He only believed...
We go through washing machines like you can’t believe! We have a couple of “retired” ones sitting in the cement area by our driveway. I could not understand why we go through so many washing machines. We bought most of them in the Dominican Republic and I thought they were good. We have about 80-plus...
Mika is the twin to Mikalange. Mikalange is “east from west” from Mika. Mika is quiet and studious and seldom gets into trouble. But her twin, “Mikalange,” is on my “No Fly List!” Ha! Mika loves to cook! She is usually in the kitchen preparing beans, making some spices for the meals, or trying a...
Food is coming! Today is a holiday here in Haiti. We had an emergency request for food from "Confidence Health Center" four hours away, high up in the mountain in the community called Oriani. What's happening is that Fond Parisen, where we are, has blocked all trucks from coming down the mountain to travel into...
Stay on course: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…” 11 Timothy 4:7 – Apostle Paul said these words. I’ve gone too far to turn back now! It’s important to stay on course, keeping our eyes on Jesus. So many circumstances and people try to pull us off...
Ada is now 18 years old and will be going to her last class in the fall, “Philo.” This is the 13th year of school, and it is difficult to pass. But Ada is confident and will do just fine! Ada and her sister and brother came to us years ago. We were told their...
Urgent news: This is the town of Ganthier, which is 8 miles from us. Ganthier was the seat for all business and government affairs. The mayor's office, city hall much more. It had schools, churches, businesses, and a thriving community. 2,000 families who have worked hard for a long time to obtain their little house...