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When I first saw Mackenson in the arms of his father, I thought, “Surely this toddler will die.” But, I was “more than shocked” when I found out that this “toddler” was seven years old! Malnutrition had stolen many years already. We had to bring him back to Fond Parisien[…]

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Birthday Bash Continues!

Well, after we finished the pizzas, we took the busload of children back home for ice cream, cake, and fun games! I love the game where you run with the egg on the spoon without dropping it! We laughed so much last night. Happy Birthday, Daniel, Jameson, Bobby, Miliana, Kenzy,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“How Big is God?” I have come to find out that “God is as big as our faith.” Some people limit God according to what the conditions are. But God is not moved by the conditions around us. We missionaries here in Haiti, are surrounded by gangs. They have broken[…]

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Birthday Bash!

This evening, we took all of our children over to Dieuferly and the boy’s restaurant at the market. We had seven children with birthdays. We celebrate once a month! They had pizza, among other foods. Oh, they were happy! Thank you, David and Angie George for sponsoring the pizza, drinks,[…]

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Baby Dedication Day!

After we built Miracle Village, we built the “Life Changers International Church” in the middle of the village. Thank you, Pastor Gregory Dickow for funding most of the church, a huge blessing for all these people who lost their homes in the 2010 earthquake. Pastor Belgarde is a wonderful pastor.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Best Hiding Place.” Have you ever been faced with danger? When I was a small child living in Pennsylvania, we lived out in the country. We had a neighbor whose name was Bernie. She was terrified of storms, and each time a storm came, my mother would send me[…]

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Meant to Survive… Moses

Moses’ story is very different! His mother did not die in childbirth, like many other children. She “did not,” want another child. She began to give birth and hurried to the nearest outhouse. She sat down and let her baby drop to its death! When she left, an older Haitian[…]

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Cleaning House!

Each day, the children have basic chores to do before they go to school, but on Saturday, they do a lot more cleaning! You can see some of the boys… Dorissaint, Jonas, Lionel, Moses, Mackenson, and Stephano! But, there are others working too! There are floors to scrub, windows to[…]

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Second Update on Jackson and Job

The claw machine and the nurses! Jackson has had some tests and we are waiting for results. The doctors do not understand why he was seizing so violently last week. The videos that were taken were extremely helpful and they are helping guide the way in their search for answers.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“I Shall Not Die, but Live…” If you have ever been sick enough to die, or if you have lived in a dangerous area, as we do here in Haiti, you may get into a position of fear… “Am I going to die?” “What will happen to me?” We have[…]

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