What a sweetie! Stephano is in the fourth grade. Each day, after he comes home from school, he sweeps the courtyard of our Love A Child Children’s Home. He loves to sing, loves to work, and he is very smart in school. He wants to be a mechanic and a driver. Well, there are always...
In the midst of all the conflicts here, Haiti's poor children get the "raw end of the stick." They have no guns, nothing to defend themselves, even from hunger. They do not start fires in the street… They only start a fire when there is food to eat, which is very seldom. They work hard,...
Flights have been canceled at the airport in Port-au-Prince. Rad, Kipp (MAP International), Jim, Susan, and Joy from Jamaica, had a very difficult and dangerous time traveling to the airport. They are now returning to Love A Child after waiting at the airport for two or three hours. Thank you, Philmond, for watching over our...
No one ever sees Haiti in the news and what is going on here. The world really doesn't care about Haiti or its people. I just heard there is a fire at the airport. I cannot confirm it yet. Roadblocks, manifestations burning, rock-throwing, and shootings... No law and order. Our Haitian friends are not doing this....
The Bible says, “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Luke 11:9 – Remember the story of the little widow woman who would not give up asking the judge until he granted her request. (Luke 18:4-8) Today, keep knocking on the...
Cowboy in Haiti... Look at Joshua! I walked into the kitchen, and he lifted up his feet to show me his shoes and said in English, “Look Mommie! Cowboy!” He is as smart as a whip!! Sherry
This is the mud hut village of Old Letant. It consists of 95% mud huts with dirt floors, and there are hundreds of them. But inside this village is hope… It is our Love A Child Christian School and Church! This building was built by our friend David George and his ministry partners! It is the...
Hard work continues each day on our new “Jesus Healing Center." The clinic building that we are using now is severely over-crowded… For the last week, it has been raining very hard here in Haiti, so not many people are out on the streets, but even with the rain and mud, our clinic is full...
"Faith, an Action Word." All Christians "talk about it," books have been "written about it," but it is not "faith" unless it "does something!" Years ago, we met a man that Bobby called "Mr. Faith." This story is in our book, “Love is Something You Do.” "Mr. Faith" was always preaching to us. He drove...
Rodna has such a beautiful face!!! She can be wearing a headband or a hoodie and she is just so beautiful and sweet! Children in Haiti get cold or chilled even with a nice breeze! They do not do well in cool weather. They will always try to find a hoodie or a jacket. Today,...