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Glacier National Park!

Beauty beyond compare! The first picture is “Old Faithful.” This geyser shoots up several times a day. Oh, God, what a wonder you are! People come from all over the world to see this wonder. We saw so many geysers – boiling hot springs. The smoke was coming up out of the ground everywhere in the area we were staying. Truly amazing!

The “Many Glacier Inn,” where we stayed, opened in 1914. A truly historic hotel. The historic “Old Faithful Inn,” where we stayed in Yellowstone, was built in 1904.

When we saw the beauty of all the mountains, we almost cried. Each park had its own majestic beauty! God is the greatest artist of all! We enjoyed our time and now we realize how important this week was to be away from Haiti. Now, it’s time to return to Haiti. Thank you for your prayers and support!

An urgent prayer request: Sherry’s purse came up missing today. It has her passport, license, credit cards, etc. We have plans to return to Haiti this week. It’s important her purse is found with her passport. I know this is a personal matter, but with everyone praying, it makes a difference.

Thank you!
Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Update on Samuel

Samuel is another strong and handsome young man growing up here in the Love A Child Children’s Home. He was brought to Love A Child by his father as a tiny infant. His mother died in childbirth.

He does well in school and really enjoys playing instruments. He plays the guitar but excels on the drums. He plays drums in the kids’ church services and is getting very good! He enjoys many sports, but right now soccer is his favorite. His favorite food is pizza! He loves pizza! Samuel works on the paint crew and has become a great painter. We love our Samuel.


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Beautiful Tuesday

This place looks good. The trees are in bloom. The grass is greening up and everyone is staying busy on this bright Tuesday morning.

The guys that take care of the yard are known as “pikan” workers. Many years ago we started calling them this because these workers removed the thorny pikan bushes with only machetes. They cleared lots of acres without machines. It was just grunt work.

But now they have graduated to more than just land clearers. These guys are straight-up agronomists. They prune, plant, water, and manicure the trees, shrubs, and lawns.

Love A Child is truly a beautiful place, thanks to these guys.

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Word from the Mission Field

“Keep Fishing”

We took a photo of these guys fishing in their homemade skiff. They were the only people on the water. As far as the eye could see, there was not even one other boat. A big storm was rolling in. Ominous clouds were closing in from the surrounding mountains. I felt bad for them.

But these three Haitian fishermen were determined to keep trying. Their desperate families depend on them to bring home something to eat. So, they stayed in the boat, each doing their job. One was rowing, one was bailing water, and the other was pulling in the net. Things did not seem to be going great, but they were not giving up. Kim and I didn’t hang around to see if they caught anything, but their perseverance despite the impending storm impressed me. Danger was all around, but they were sticking it out.

These three in the boat teach us a great lesson. When the sun is shining and the fish are jumping, there will always be several boats on the lake. But it is an exercise of great faith to be the solitary vessel on the water, especially when the catch has not been great and dark storm clouds are rolling in. It takes physical, emotional, and spiritual strength to keep working to accomplish a task when things aren’t going smoothly. But it takes a whole new level of commitment to stay on the water when people are depending on you.

There may be circumstances in your life that are coming against you. There may be trials that present themselves that seem insurmountable. You might feel like the only boat still on the water. But you cannot give up. You must keep your eyes on the prize. You must put your faith in God and trust that He will see you through. Strengthen your resolve while leaning on Jesus. He will not fail you.

Persevere! Keep rowing. Keep bailing. Keep casting. You must keep fishing!

It will all be worth it.

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” (James 1:12)

Jesse and Kim Ostrander

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Pictures from Yellowstone National Park!

Yellowstone National Park pictures!
Tomorrow evening, Glacier National Park!

Sherry and I arrived back in Florida late this afternoon, and we return to Haiti this week. Oh, how great God is!! His beauty is beyond compare! We are very thankful for this week to be relaxed and surrounded by such peace. The hotel we stayed in was the “Old Faithful Inn.” It opened its doors on June 1, 1904. It’s a beautiful, historic hotel.

Bobby and Sherry

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A Huge Blessing

Fritzner is a huge blessing. Key word, “Huge.” He seems to be on an unending growth spurt. His legs are a mile long. Although Job is currently the tallest kid at the Love A Child Children’s Home, Fritzner is a close second. In fact, we think he will pass Job soon.

Fritzner is very shy, but he is also very smart. Once you hang around him for a while, he starts to loosen up and talk more. He has a very good sense of humor and is actually a very funny person. Fritzner is a good helper and is very apt with his hands. His desire to be a carpenter one day is evidenced by his willingness to always help with anything related to wood or building. He loves to jump in and get it done.

Fritzner’s mother died years ago. He was born in a place called Covant. It is very far from here, way up in the mountains. A pastor brought him to us when he was just four months old. For the past 15 years, Love A Child is the only world he has ever known. His life is a miracle. We know that God has big things in store for Fritzner. And if you ever get the chance to meet him, you will fall in love with him. He is a cool kid, cool as a cucumber.

And beware, he loves spaghetti! He can pack it away. You wouldn’t know by looking at him, but he can eat a ton of spaghetti!


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Word from the Mission Field

“Look Up.”

I love these photos. We took them from up in the mountains looking down at the valley. If you look closely, you can see Love A Child in one of the pictures. The way the mountains reflect off the lake is amazing. Up in the mountains of Haiti, things feel tranquil.

Sometimes when we look around, we feel like we are in the valley. It can be easy to feel despair. It could be an obstacle we face, how others have treated us, or maybe even just the state of the world today. It can be easy to feel down. These are the times that we should lean into His Word and be reminded that there is nothing too big for Him. God can repair, recover, and renew ALL things. In our lives, our country, and our world. After all, He made everything. From the depths of the seas to the mountain tops! Nothing is too big for our God!

“I will lift my eyes to the mountains- where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Jesse and Kim Ostrander

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Stephano, Full of Energy!

When we think of one word to describe Stephano, it is “Energy!” He is always itching to do something or get into something. It could be work, play, or anything in between, and he is ready to go! Oh, to have his energy. We would all get much more done in a day! Haha! Stephano says he would like to be a mechanic when he grows up, but he has a lot of time to decide. He is very helpful and likes to be in the thick of things. He is often caught tagging along with the construction team, more specifically, he likes to ride around in Pastor Mark’s truck, like the boss. We pray whatever he puts his energy into as he grows, that he will point others here in Haiti and abroad to Christ!

Kim and Jesse Ostrander

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Eight Jumped In

Have you ever got behind in a project and needed some help? It didn’t matter who, you just needed someone to come assist. Someone who could help you cross the finish line. Even if it was just for moral support, you weren’t picky, you needed to recruit someone to be with you.

That was me. I needed a little help putting together some bunk beds. So, I went up to the Children’s Home to grab some of the boys. They must think the diesel engine of the truck I was driving sounded like an ice cream truck because they all came storming outside hoping to get to go. I only needed two, but before I could throw the truck in reverse, eight boys jumped in.

Eager, energetic, and excited to get the job done. We worked together to finish the job. They are great helpers. I love these guys!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Father Carries His Son.”

I love this photo. The dad is proud of his sons. And clearly his sons look happy to be with their dad. Even though he is wearing an old, tattered shirt and living in a mud hut, this poor, Haitian dad is doing the best he can for his boys. He is holding them close and keeping them safe. The boys are being cared for by a loving father. He is “carrying them.”

Deuteronomy 1:29-31, “Then I said to you, do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord, your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”

God carried the Israelites out of Egypt. They had been slaves for generations, but God delivered them. On their way out of Egypt, He kept them safe as Pharaoh’s mighty army pursued them. He parted the Red Sea and provided a means of escape. He ultimately destroyed the evil army chasing them. God fed them. He provided manna for them to eat. And in their darkest times, God sustained them. He provided the Israelites with direction as they wandered through the desert. He saw them through to the promised land. “As a father carries his son,” God carried them. And He “carries” us today.

What a powerful example of how a Godly father should “carry his child.” When a son or daughter is not able to do something on their own, a good father carries them. When a son or daughter is trapped in a world of trouble, a good father helps deliver them. When a son or daughter is surrounded by enemies, a good father fights for them, and protects them. A Godly father provides for his children. He loves his children. Children are not afraid when they are under the protection of a loving father.

On this Father’s Day as we honor our dads, do not forget that the greatest father of them all is carrying you! He loves you. He wants what’s best for you. He will deliver you. Do not be afraid! He will provide for you. He will sustain you. Our loving Father God is carrying you, just like he did for the Israelites. He will see you through to the promised land.

Happy Father’s Day!

Jesse Ostrander

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