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We found Jackson during a Mobile Medical Clinic in Savaan Pit, Haiti, in the mountains. His belly was so swollen with water due to malnutrition that we could barely pick him up! He insisted that we “take him back with us…” When we told him we could not, he began[…]

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What You Don’t Know, is Greater Than You!

The Haitians live off their proverbs, which have been handed down from generation to generation. One proverb says, “What you don’t know, is greater than you!” That is so true… I just went to our kitchen to get something to drink and to check on our cook Nini. She has[…]

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The border is open now between Haiti and the Dominican Republic! PTL!!! Tomorrow morning, early, Jackson and Job will be crossing the border and traveling to Santo Domingo to two different hospitals. Jackson is doing a little better, but he is not well. Both dialysis nurses will be going along[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Keep walking forward! “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way.” (Psalm 37:23) When we become Christians, we start our walk with the Lord. When we start our walk with the Lord, we all make mistakes. A mistake is a steppingstone[…]

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Job… “The Coconut Tree”

Job was born in Covant, a poor village high in the mountains. His mother died in childbirth, and later the pastor came down to our house and asked us to take Job. He explained what had happened to his mother… and that she had died in childbirth. Job is an[…]

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Difficult Weekend for Jackson

Little Jackson has been very sick the whole weekend. He has high blood pressure, pains in his chest, and difficulty breathing, among other things. Every two hours, his blood pressure is checked and sent to the doctors in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Jesse Ostrander has been on the phone many[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

ONE STEP FORWARD, TWO STEPS BACKWARD!   Have you ever felt like you took one step forward and then had to take two steps backward? Learning how to walk with God. “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: And He delights in his way.” Psalm 37:23[…]

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Wonderful Afternoon with the Children!

Sherry and I this afternoon, took two truckloads of our children over to Pastor Claude’s orphanage. We had a blast! The children played games, and a lot of jumping and singing unto the Lord. The children of Haiti will steal your heart. By faith, we support Pastor Claude’s orphanage 100%[…]

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Thank You for Feeding the Children in Terre Rouge, Haiti

Because of “your” sacrificial gifts, small and large, we have been feeding the hungry children in south Haiti, in an area called, Terre Rouge (it means, red earth, or red dirt). We have a fully equipped “Jesus Team of Workers,” Hubert, and his Love A Child team, who are always[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God’s Compassion…” Some people seem so “religious!” Some like to impress others, by going to church, but there are a lot of people “going to church,” but they are “missing out on God’s plan!” Have you asked yourself, “Why am I here? I could have been born in a poor[…]

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