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Eight Jumped In

Have you ever got behind in a project and needed some help? It didn’t matter who, you just needed someone to come assist. Someone who could help you cross the finish line. Even if it was just for moral support, you weren’t picky, you needed to recruit someone to be with you.

That was me. I needed a little help putting together some bunk beds. So, I went up to the Children’s Home to grab some of the boys. They must think the diesel engine of the truck I was driving sounded like an ice cream truck because they all came storming outside hoping to get to go. I only needed two, but before I could throw the truck in reverse, eight boys jumped in.

Eager, energetic, and excited to get the job done. We worked together to finish the job. They are great helpers. I love these guys!

Jesse Ostrander

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Word from the Mission Field

“A Father Carries His Son.”

I love this photo. The dad is proud of his sons. And clearly his sons look happy to be with their dad. Even though he is wearing an old, tattered shirt and living in a mud hut, this poor, Haitian dad is doing the best he can for his boys. He is holding them close and keeping them safe. The boys are being cared for by a loving father. He is “carrying them.”

Deuteronomy 1:29-31, “Then I said to you, do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them. The Lord your God, who is going before you, will fight for you, as he did for you in Egypt, before your very eyes, and in the wilderness. There you saw how the Lord, your God carried you, as a father carries his son, all the way you went until you reached this place.”

God carried the Israelites out of Egypt. They had been slaves for generations, but God delivered them. On their way out of Egypt, He kept them safe as Pharaoh’s mighty army pursued them. He parted the Red Sea and provided a means of escape. He ultimately destroyed the evil army chasing them. God fed them. He provided manna for them to eat. And in their darkest times, God sustained them. He provided the Israelites with direction as they wandered through the desert. He saw them through to the promised land. “As a father carries his son,” God carried them. And He “carries” us today.

What a powerful example of how a Godly father should “carry his child.” When a son or daughter is not able to do something on their own, a good father carries them. When a son or daughter is trapped in a world of trouble, a good father helps deliver them. When a son or daughter is surrounded by enemies, a good father fights for them, and protects them. A Godly father provides for his children. He loves his children. Children are not afraid when they are under the protection of a loving father.

On this Father’s Day as we honor our dads, do not forget that the greatest father of them all is carrying you! He loves you. He wants what’s best for you. He will deliver you. Do not be afraid! He will provide for you. He will sustain you. Our loving Father God is carrying you, just like he did for the Israelites. He will see you through to the promised land.

Happy Father’s Day!

Jesse Ostrander

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Everyone Likes Hannah Jean Jules!

This is sweet Hannah Jean Jules. She is 20 years old and is in Philo (final year of secondary school). If you met her, you would sense her sweet spirit and kind demeanor. You know how there are just some people who can get along with everyone and who everyone likes? Well, Hannah is one of those!  She has been growing up here since she was a small infant, and the dozens of Children’s Home siblings and family here are all she knows. She is smart, sweet, and attentive to her schooling. She wants to be a pediatrician one day. Whatever she does, she will be one more shining light for God here in Haiti!

Jesse Ostrander

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About two years ago, we installed pavers on the main roads here in the compound. It cut down the dust dramatically. It also made the rough roads smooth. This led to drivers speeding through the compound. Signs were installed in a number of places that read “dousman,” in Creole. This word means “slowly.” Drive slowly!

Today the compound is pretty much quiet. The streets are empty and only a few workers are hanging around. It is Saturday. The many people who work here are taking it easy. They are resting, spending time with their families, and living today “slowly.” It seems like everyone I see today is moving at a snail’s pace. Why? Because they are taking it easy, “dousman”.

We could learn from the people who work here. Maybe every now and again we should live life “dousman”. It seems like the smoother our road gets, the faster we drive. But we need to learn to “slow down.” Relax. Recuperate. Be thankful for what God has done and be excited about what He is about to do.

Jesse Ostrander

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“Greater Love”

Love is powerful. Love is strong. Love is life changing. There are many ways to describe love. But Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” The greatest expression of love that you or I can possibly demonstrate is to give our lives for others.

Jesus is the most complete example of “greater love.” He laid down His life for us. The Bible says that He died on the cross so that we could have life. Talk about a friend… Jesus demonstrated His great love for us by literally giving up His own life.

I thank God for His “Greater Love.”

Jesse Ostrander
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Hello from Yellowstone National Park

God’s grandeur and beauty is everywhere! Sorry for not having pictures yet. We are staying here at the “Old Faithful Inn” in Yellowstone. It was built in 1904 I believe. It is a beautiful historic hotel. It has no internet here. I can send e-mails by roaming but no pictures will go out while on roaming. Why, I don’t know.  Be looking for beautiful pictures on Monday evening, Lord willing. Jesse and Kim Ostrander are in Haiti, and doing a great job. Sherry and I will be returning to Haiti next week. We are here, but our minds and hearts are in Haiti with the children and all the Haitian people. Thank you for your prayers and support. We love and appreciate you more than you will ever know.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Little Zoey is a Treasure!

She is always smiling and is always eager to give you a hug. We know God has big things for Zoey. We do not know what she is going to be when she grows up, but if you ask her she will tell you she wants to be a nurse. The little five-year-old is bright and intelligent, but she is no pushover. Zoey has a take charge kind of personality that God will use for His glory one day. She is 5 years old and likes to play with dolls with her sisters. We love Zoey and are proud of her! Who knows, one day we might all be calling her Nurse Zoey?

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“Lollipop Mishap”

Kim and I just drove through Miracle Village, as we had to drop off a few construction workers. On one of the roads in the village, I saw three children hanging around outside of a small house. I asked the woman in Creole if the children were hers. She responded, “Yes” with a smile.

I asked Kim if she had any lollipops left from this morning. We like to carry them with us so we can pass them out to people throughout the day. Kim had seven left. I figured she had plenty, so I started handing one to each of the woman’s children. They were so happy!

But as I passed out the lollipops to the three kids hanging outside, I noticed another child coming out of the doorway. So I gave the fourth child the candy. As I did, the fifth child appeared. Then the sixth. We were still okay because we had one more lollipop left. As I saw the seventh child appearing in the doorway, I finally thought to ask the woman how many children she had. She replied, “Nine” with a smile.

At that point, I knew I was in trouble! I had already passed out all of the lollipops to the other seven. The little people coming out of the door next would surely be disappointed. And they were! Sadness filled their faces when they realized there was not enough.

Looks like Kim and I will be making another trip to Miracle Village.

Jesse and Kim Ostrander

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Lives of purpose…

“Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” – Job 8:7 | KJV

Such an apt Bible verse to describe the Agricultural Training Center (ATC) staff now. Through your faithful support, we now have 18 people on ATC staff, all of who started from very “humble beginnings.”

They came from broken backgrounds of extreme poverty, living in the city dump, being a voodoo witch doctor in a mountain village, having broken bones and deep wounds after the earthquake, or just being a poor Haitian. But now, after focusing on learning sustainable gardening methods and dedication to their work, they all have new skills and important jobs to produce most of the food for Love A Child Village.

Look at this beautiful, bountiful harvest. When the team delivers their nutritious harvest to the kitchens at Love A Child, they are treated as heroes, bringing many smiles, happy handshakes, and back slaps of joy, knowing that there is good food now coming for the once dusty, barren soil around the orphanage.

Your understanding of the importance of helping to provide training, education, and jobs to the people of Haiti and your faithful financial support of the Sustainability programs has brought so many people from their “humble beginnings” to their “latter end” with great increases.

You are helping Haitians help themselves; you are changing lives for generations to come.

For this, you will be blessed.

Thank you,
Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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LAC TV Program “The Compassion of Christ” Begins Saturday!

This week Love A Child takes you to Old Letant, a poor fishing village in Haiti. Relying on the volatile industry for food, these families know hunger all too well. Children spend their days at the lake fishing for scraps, giving what they can to their mothers so their siblings can be fed. Mothers’ hearts break as they see their children cry with hunger pains; their only solution is saltwater soup. God has a blessing in store for these precious children and it’s only achieved by us partnering together to be the hands and feet of Jesus!

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in tomorrow afternoon to Daystar Television Network at 12:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DIRECTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Together we are changing lives!

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