Latest News Archive

More on the Po Glacie Food Distribution

THE JOY OF FEEDING THE POOR!   I know we shared our post yesterday about the distribution of our Feed My Starving Children meals, plus cooking hot meals for the children. Here are some more pictures you didn’t see yet. I just wanted to share it with you. We cannot[…]

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Update on Jackson

Sherry and I just left his room and he was sleeping. He was on dialysis all night. A little earlier, he was sitting on the edge of his bed feeling better. Pray that the border will open this week so we can cross the border with him and get him[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He’s still the God of the valleys…” In 1st Kings 20, we see a great battle between Syria and Israel, and Israel won! The Syrians decided that Israel had won because “their gods are gods of the hills… but let us fight against them in the plain (the valleys), and surely[…]

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Jackson… Everyone Knows His Story

We found him several years ago in the mountains during a Mobile Clinic. He had Kwashiorkor malnutrition. We brought him to our orphanage and began to get help for his malnutrition and kidney disease. But the doctors we had back then from Port Au Prince did not do a good[…]

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Latest Update on Jackson

Jackson has had a miserable day. We are waiting on blood tests. We don’t know what the problem is but in the last few minutes, since we started this update, he has been resting better, and breathing better. His coughing is not as bad. He is in pain in his[…]

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We just took Jackson to our Jesus Healing Center Clinic where Dr. Barthelemy is with him. He seemed to have had a stroke, but it was a little different than a stroke. He was almost “fighting” with anyone who tried to pick him up to carry him to the car![…]

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“Po Glacie…” Across the Lake!

We had a wonderful time today taking food to the people and children in the village of “Po Glacie!” We went by “Haitian boat!” We took the Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) food to give to the parents and food to cook for the children! We have never had a[…]

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LAC TV Program “God Has More Miracles” Begins Saturday!

Love A Child’s Mobile Medical Clinics are a lifeline for the people of Haiti. Ailments that would be easily treated in the US can become severe problems by the time we arrive in these rural villages… Simple wounds become septic without antibiotics, burns become infected without treatment, and malnutrition becomes[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? […] Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:37-40) These are powerful words from our Lord. When we[…]

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The Mischievous Twin!

Mikalange has a twin, “Mika!” They are like “day” and “night!” Mikalange is the mischievous twin! She is never shy! She loves music and playing drums!! She also loves to cook! Her dream is to become a dentist! In the morning, she works at our Malnutrition Clinic. She is so good[…]

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