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Do you remember the Mondesir house which was burnt down in December and I posted their story? Well, the Mondesir family moved into their new house on Sunday!!! PTL! Thank you to Pastor Karen Jolley of the Ambassador To The Nations Church in N.C. for sending the $15,000 to build[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Several years ago, the Lord spoke these words to my heart… Faith is not something you just talk about, but faith is something you do! Love is not something you just talk about, but love is something you do! A lot of people can talk about it, but they can’t walk it![…]

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In the Heart of Chaos

The Poor in Haiti, in the Middle of Chaos Haiti is, without a doubt, the “poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.” And now, the most dangerous country to live in. Every day, as poor mothers struggle to find a way to get enough food for a small meal, their children[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“For the Battle is Not Yours…” Sometimes, when someone wants to help us, we seem to want to say, “I can do it by myself…” But when it comes to battling the attacks of Satan, his strongholds are great. He will do anything to keep you discouraged and to make[…]

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Esther’s Dream…

Esther has already finished her last year in high school, Philo, the 13th year. She desires to learn to be a vet, but there are no colleges here in Haiti for a veterinarian. She will need to go to the Dominican Republic. She was learning Spanish “online,” but her laptop[…]

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Party at Fresh Foods Restaurant

“A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine.” Recently, Dieuferly and his “brothers and sisters from our orphanage, and friends,” cleaned up the Epi-Dor Restaurant, now known as “Fresh Food!” There are two parties the graduating class has… one is around the last week of January and another when they[…]

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Facts About Haiti

Usually, we share pictures and stories about life in Haiti on Sunday… basically, the majority of Haitians go to church. This is also a time to socialize with their friends. But, we thought you would like to know some “facts” about Haiti, the country we love, and the country God[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE ENEMY IS COMING… The Spirit of the Lord came upon me to give you this scripture. “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:19) Run devil, run! Missionary Bobby Burnette

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A Bright Future for Lovely

Lovely… It seems like just yesterday, we saw this baby sitting on the ground, crying. We had heard from a lady named “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” that one of her parents had a disease that would soon bring death, and the other parent (mother) had died. We agreed to bring her[…]

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Back Home!

We are home in Haiti! We arrived home safe here in Haiti today. In the picture are Bobby, Philimond, Jackson, Nurse Phanise, and Sherry. Jackson is doing great! Thank you for your prayers and support. Love is something you do! We love you! Bobby and Sherry

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