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Noah, Surrounded by Love!

Noah, Surrounded by Love!

Noah… If you look closely at the first picture of Noah, you will see marks on his head and stomach. We found him “abandoned on the muddy ground,” on the side of our gate. At the age of two, he had been beaten, burned, starved, and abused. He had “bite marks,” on his body! We...
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Making a Road for Food

Making a Road for Food

Look at these pictures and you will see “hard-working,” poor, hungry Haitians, “making a road,” for our food trucks! Pastor Souffrance, our wonderful mountain Pastor, told the poor people of “Fon Bwapen,” that “Love A Child” food trucks can bring food, "if they fix the road.” The locals said they could, but they needed “something...
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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.” Proverbs 22:1 Some people die with great riches, but their names are not worth anything. They have cheated, lied, and have done bad things to other people. Some people would rather have silver and gold than the favor...
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Wilguens… also known as “Jacque!”

Wilguens… also known as “Jacque!”

He is quiet and you never know when “he is here!” He is the brother of Fabiola. When his mother died, his father could not care for him and his sister. After his mother died, the children were often left by themselves. They were developing malnutrition. His father took both children to Social Services, who...
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This is Southern talk for getting the job done. Here is pastor Mark Ostrander and his Haitian construction dream team making the concrete pads to lock down the soccer bleachers. He always works on two or three projects at one time. Mark is on our board of directors and is a genius builder. He has...
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LAC TV Program “Go Ye v3” Begins Saturday!

LAC TV Program “Go Ye v3” Begins Saturday!

Love A Child travels all throughout Haiti preaching the gospel with their words and actions. The hardships they witness while serving are unimaginable. One mother lost her spouse and then her home; she was forced into survival mode to protect what she had left, with no time to grieve. Families are used to hunger; they...
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“Open Your Hand Wide “

“Open Your Hand Wide “

In the Book of Deuteronomy, God gave instructions to the children of Israel. In Chapter 15: 7-8, the Lord God of Israel gave instructions on “how to care for the poor.” This is what He said, "If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in...
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He’s A Mama’s Boy!

He’s A Mama’s Boy!

Zachary is definitely a “mama’s boy!” He has been attached to me since he could walk! He is a very unusual little guy! He is happy and content but doesn’t want to talk much! He just finished third year Kindergarten. The little boys and girls were lined up in church to do their Kindergarten program....
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Wow! WOW! What a game in Miracle Village between Ganthier and Le Tant!! Le Tant won yesterday. Most Haitians have nothing to look forward to or anywhere to go because of the gangs. The youth are the future of Haiti. These bleachers give them hope, dignity, and respect like normal people. This is a great...
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Babies Never Wait!

Babies Never Wait!

In the middle of roadblocks, gangs, and insecurity, life goes on. One thing we know… “Babies Can’t Wait!” Babies don’t know that the roads are blocked, and in most areas, armed gangs with high-powered guns are waiting to kidnap or kill. This is what mothers like Madamn Love-Mika go through, just to get to a...
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