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Travel Update! 

Sherry and I just landed at the Miami Airport from Santo Domingo, via Haiti. The first place in the airport Sherry went is Starbucks!!!! Sherry is a Starbucks woman. We will return to Haiti next week after the Feed My Starving Children Conference. Thank you for your prayers and support.[…]

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Our Feeding Program in South Haiti…

God bless the children! This village in South Haiti is called Nan Kontal. It is in the Nippes area, and it is full of hungry children. Our Love A Child team fed 216 children in this village and we have fed many children in many other villages. The children here[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“How to Conquer Your Enemies” Let’s face it, we all have enemies. Some enemies live “right next door,” and some we may face at work. We may have some enemies and don’t realize it. Many times, we have enemies simply because they are jealous! The Bible teaches us what to[…]

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Updated News

We have arrived safely here in Santo Domingo, staying by the airport. Our flight departs at 8 a.m. for Florida. We will be attending the FMSC (Feed My Starving Children) Conference and then straight back to Haiti. Thank you for your prayers. We are in the process of building a[…]

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Latest Travel Update

Farmer John, Sherry, and I have crossed the Haitian border and are traveling into the Dominican Republic to catch the plane tomorrow for Florida. Farmer John will be flying back to his family in ND. Sherry and I will be attending the Feed My Starving Children Conference in Deerfield Beach,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Increase and Decrease.” “He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:30 Have you ever watched some ministers on TV or even in a church, but all you see is “them!” There are some that show the humility of Jesus but not many. Right after the 2010 earthquake that hit[…]

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Daniella Wants to Give Back

It was about 19 years ago when one of our workers came into our old orphanage in Haiti with twins in his arms. A poor woman went to the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince to give birth to triplets. When she tried to get in, there had been fighting on the[…]

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ATC Harvest

More pictures came in this morning from the Agricultural Training Center! Good job Wilner and all your crew. The orphan children love fresh vegetables! Bobby Burnette – Dear My Big Boss! These photos are the big harvest of vegetables we still have every 2 to 3 days. This is today’s[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God of the Mountains and God of the Valleys.” I have always loved this song… “He’s God of the Mountains; He’s God of the Valleys.” God is God! Our circumstances do not change Him or who He is!! There is a story in 1 Kings 20, beginning with Verse 23.[…]

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Stephanie Grows Up!

About a year after taking in George, he and baby Stephanie’s mother died. We all thought their mother died from malnutrition and anemia; however, Stephanie survived. She attended Providence College here in Haiti. She studied Business Administration and did very well! Soon after, she was hired to work in our[…]

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