This handsome young man is Georges, who is now 20-years-old. His mother gave birth to him during "Hurricane Georges." She died after his sister Stephanie was born. His father could not take care of the children. Georges and his sister Stephanie came to live at our children's home a week later. Georges and his sister...
Love A Child had a very special week this summer when we welcomed the volunteers from the Click Family Foundation who conducted our most exciting event, Kan Espwa Ayiti – Camp Hope Haiti. This wonderful camp taught Bible Scriptures, life lessons and so much more to our children! This summer camp was a life-changing experience!...
Well Pump Update in Fond Parisien: A special update for those of you who have given toward the $13,000 well pump repair in Fond Parisien. In June, the $10,000 down payment to buy the big pump parts was sent to Indiana. On Monday, the last of the parts were sent to the Blue Ridge Well Drillers...
Wisdom In Your Decision: This week, you may have to make important decisions. Your decision today, will affect your future tomorrow. “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is...
This young boy is Jacob Jean. Soon after he was born in the village of Bois Monquette, his mother passed away. His father was unable to care for him, as there were too many other children to feed. He does not know how many siblings he has, or where they are. He was brought to...
“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:40 – The Jesus Healing Center reaches far and wide throughout Haiti and even into the Dominican Republic. Each morning, hundreds of poor and sickly Haitians line up...
Look at this cutie eating a nice hot meal! We are so thankful to share our food with other missionaries here in Haiti, who are feeding hungry children. This darling is receiving food through our friend Mike Brewer at Reach International. Thank you partners! Your dollars go so much further on the mission field. Sherry
“It’s Not What You Know, But Who You Know…” We have always lived by this thought. It’s not what you know, but “who” you know. Sometimes, when a door does not open to you, the “who you know” can open that door. “For I know whom I have believed (Jesus), and am persuaded that He...
This sweet girl is Daphline Louis, and she was born in the remote mountain village of Savaan Roche. Her mother Jolucia died shortly after her birth from complications. Her father left poor Daphline with her mother’s sister, whose husband had recently been murdered. Daphline’s aunt was unable to take care of her because she already...
Look at this sweet Haitian mom and daughter. They came to "Farmer John's Meat Market" at our Gwo Maché Mirak, or "Grand Miracle Market." They only had a little money, 150 gourdes or $2.21, to buy some goat meat. This is the cheapest, but the best place in Haiti to buy good and fresh meat, even for...