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Word from the Mission Field

“The Power to Get Wealth.” When Bobby and I first started in our ministry, we were preaching on “street corners,” in small churches, and anywhere anyone would listen to us. We were “very poor.” When we were preaching in our “open-air meetings,” we borrowed chairs from the “funeral home,” because[…]

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Prayers Needed for Sarah’s Eyes!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, lost their mother at an early age. They came from the mountains of Covant, one of the highest mountains in Haiti. Both children had Kwashiorkor Malnutrition and would have died, but God spared their lives. Sarah has been in college studying “cosmetology!” She has a[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Be Afraid of Your Enemies.” In the Book of 1st Samuel 17, we see David, a young man, who kills Goliath, and wins the favor of all his people and of King Saul. But in the next chapter, Chapter 18:6-10, we see David, again, going out to fight the[…]

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Jonas, a Great Mechanic!

We found little Jonas Alce in the mountains of Demesseau, Haiti, during a Mobile Clinic. His mother had just died during childbirth. His father could not care for him. Jonas wants to go to the Dominican Republic to study to be a mechanic. The mechanic school here in Haiti is[…]

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Success in Santo Domingo

Jackson, Philemon, and the medical team are headed back from Santo Domingo. The week was a success! Jackson was seen by several doctors. They are all happy with his progress. He gained 4 pounds and his blood tests showed signs of improvement. The tube that enters his body for peritoneal[…]

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New LAC TV Program “Stewards of Hope” Begins Today!

Love a Child returns to Old Letant, a village where struggle is embedded into daily life. Here, you’ll be moved by the powerful stories of mothers tirelessly laboring to help their families survive. Thanks to the generous giving of our partners, a new chapter unfolds. Families are sustained through business,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The walls of Jericho are coming down! The Lord told Joshua to take the city of Jericho. The men and army of Jericho were strong. The Lord told Joshua to have his men and priest compass the city seven times… “make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when[…]

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Miracle Baby… Moses!

Moses’ story is the story of a miracle! The hospital that cares for infants and children called us with a request “to care for a baby boy whose mother had tried to drop him down the outhouse toilet!” It seems that she did not want another child so when she[…]

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Transportation For Pregnant Ladies

IMPORTANT NEED FOR OUR BIRTHING CENTER: Our Birthing Center is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Pregnant mothers pay the equivalent of about $1, which includes prenatal and postnatal care with classes. This includes all medicines, delivery of the baby, recovery… everything. If they do not have[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Double-Minded Man “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing from the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all[…]

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