“Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever. Who can utter the mighty acts of the Lord? Who can shew all His praise?” Psalm 106:1-2 Can you praise the Lord when you are in the valley? Can you praise the Lord when you...
Betina was abandoned by her parents when there wasn't enough food for all the children. She was rescued by some Haitian social workers. They took her from her parents and then called us to ask if we would take her. We did!! Betina loves dolls and drawing. This sweet twelve-year-old would rather be cleaning her...
A lot of people have been asking if things are better since Kenya arrived with police/troops. I can only say what I know is happening out here in our area. Nothing has changed or happened. We live on the main commerce road from the Dominican Republic up through Croix-des-Bouquet into Port-au-Prince. The gangs control the...
“Who’s Fighting the Battle?” “Who’s fighting your battle?” There are many times in our lives that we will be fighting a battle. That battle may be about you, your children, your situation, your job… anything! But sometimes, after we have been fighting and fighting, God says, “… be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of...
Job came to us “after a Haitian Pastor” carried him for hours down a mountain. He had been sent to another orphanage but they did not have room. Job is now 15 and about as tall as a “coconut tree.” He is sweet and quiet, and you never know he is here! About two years...
Last night, around 2:00 AM, the winds must have become hurricane-force winds. Farmer John WhatsApp messaged me at 2:00 AM, saying, "It's here." The winds were terrible for about 30 minutes, then settled down. This morning at 5:30 AM, it was still raining slightly. Sherry and I got in our vehicle and went around the...
The “Spirit of Fear” I heard someone once say, “I don’t believe that fear is a spirit.” I said, “Come to Haiti!” Haitians learn “fear” from the time they are born. They can go to church, pay their tithe, sing about the Lord, and be proud of their “Church Membership Card!” But when Monday comes,...
Fritzner is sweet, kind, and obedient! He’s the kind of kid that you could say, “I’ll take two of him!!” He was just four months old when Pastor Justin arrived from a long trip down the mountains to our old orphanage!! This trip saved his life! His mother had given birth to him and then...
In the last hour, I'm surprised how the weather has changed. From blue sky to wind, dark clouds, and some rain. We have picked up everything outside that could blow away and cause some damage. It looks like Hurricane Beryl is a dangerous Cat 5 hurricane that will hopefully pass south of us. We are...
This story is told by Dieuferly D’or, our photographer. He was raised in our orphanage since he was a toddler... This heart-wrenching story will help you understand how well “you and your children and grandchildren” have been blessed. Sherry Roudjinie Jean, a 9-year-old girl from Port City, shared her heartbreaking story with us. Originally from...