Sherry and I want to wish all the fathers a "Happy Father's Day" today. May we be godly fathers and godly husbands. Psalm 103:13 I had promised to share with you on how to know the perfect will of God from a wise, old prophet who gave me a word of wisdom many years ago. He...
Children are the future... These little children are Haiti’s future. Having a new, clean dress means everything to these little ones! Thank you to Dorothy McCune, for these beautiful handmade dresses! “For I was naked, and ye clothed me...” God bless you. Bobby and Sherry
How can I find God's perfect will in my life? God has put a still, small voice into all of us. If we pray and listen to that still, small voice, He will lead you to His perfect will. "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a...
We don’t know if you heard the story of this little cutie, her name is Natalie, and she is very sweet. When Natalie Norvil was less than a year old, her father brought her to our Malnutrition Clinic because she was terribly underweight and so thin. Natalie’s mother had passed away, and her father couldn’t...
Breaking News from Savaan Pit, Haiti — We built a school here in Savaan Pit many years ago, but since the school is on top of a mountain, storms and hurricanes have torn the roof off and destroyed much of the school over time. We began building this new school months ago. This building will...
Are you in God’s perfect will or permissive will? It was God’s plan when the Israelites left Egypt with Moses to travel directly into the Promised Land flowing with milk and honey, as God had promised. (Exodus 33:3) This was God’s perfect will. Instead, because of disobedience, they wandered in the desert and wilderness for...
Poor little girls in Haiti love to get a new dress! Today, our missionary Kaeli took some handmade dresses to the children in New Letant and Miracle Village. Here are just a few of the many dresses we gave to the children! Thank you to Ruth Tovsen for these darling dresses and all the time...
We just finished having a Love A Child Board of Directors Meeting. We have four meetings a year. We have a wonderful Board of Directors who travel far and make sacrifices to come to our headquarters in Florida. We love and respect them because they give us wisdom and counsel. The Bible says “there is...
Do you know your assignment from God? “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name...
Sharing our food has been one of the greatest joys of our lives! When Bobby and I first started in Haiti, we had no way of getting food donated to us for the orphanage. It was so expensive to buy all the food, so we know how much this donated food means to those feeding...