“But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” 1 John 3:17 – When we first began to work in Haiti in the 70s, we had large crusades, but we felt “something was missing.” We...
Breaking news: Right now, thousands of Haitians are under the big top gospel tent in Fond Parisien at Gwo Maché Mirak!!! This is the first night and it will go through Friday evening. Good music and great preaching…Heaven is coming down!!!! This is only a portion of the crowd. Lord give us souls for Christ!...
You may remember this "sweetie” named Lomene. It was near Christmas years ago when we rescued her from a life of slavery. She was living with her father's girlfriend and was very mistreated. Lomene was a restavec (slave child) for this family. She did all the work and had no time to be a child. Lomene...
We are so very, very thankful to Sue North for the Birthing/Newborn Kits we have received! Just look at the faces of these "moms-to-be," and see how happy they are!!! Thank you so much, Sue, and all you others who have sent in Birthing Kits in the past!!! We need about "200 Birthing Kits" each...
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. (Proverbs 21:13) When I was two weeks old, I went to live with the woman who raised me. (She will always be my mother.) We lived in a small shack like house, yet she...
This young lady is Florence. She has been with us for most of her life. Her mother died when she was young and her father abandoned her. When she first came to live at the Children’s Home, she was severely malnourished and had tuberculosis. She received medical treatment for her tuberculosis and three hot nourishing...
Attention Everyone: We are in desperate need each month of Birthing Kits, for poor mothers who go back to their village or mud hut, to have their babies. Here is what is needed inside each Birthing Kit: (Please send items inside a pillowcase.) • One newborn outfit (a “onesie” and stocking hat) • Feminine pads...
We welcome our newest missionary to Love A Child that came in yesterday. Chris Baker has been with us before… and it's great to have him back!!! He started working at 6:30 AM this morning! The best is yet to come! Bobby
"And the Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." Exodus 14:14 (This is what the Lord told Moses when the Israelites were being chased by Pharaoh and all the chariots of Egypt, and all their horses and armies.) Are you facing a battle today that is too great for you? The...
Please watch this video of the NFL players and be blessed! You can be a great athlete and be a great Christian representing Jesus Christ. Bobby and Sherry