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Word from the Mission Field

“He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.” Proverbs 28:27 In Psalm 41:1-3, the Lord made seven supernatural promises to us when we consider the poor. Please take your time this morning and read them. The Lord pays better dividends and interest than the bank! Bobby Burnette

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Jackson… Please Pray!

Jackson was found in the mountains of Savann Pit, Haiti. This remote mountain village was “very far” from us, and is on dangerous mountain roads. We found him during our Mobile Clinic in this village. A relative brought this little boy with a “HUGE” stomach full of water! He had[…]

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Betchina’s Story

Several years ago, we “heard” of children in poor villages working with their mothers to make those “mud cookies” that hungry children all over Haiti are eating today! There is no good nutritional value in eating these special “mud cookies,” except for the fact that when you eat the cookie[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Pure Religion” What is that? I love what the Book of James says. It doesn’t say that pure religion is going to church or giving to the offering. It’s not cleaning the church, although God blesses those that keep His house clean. Pure religion goes beyond everything we do that[…]

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God Can Give a Harvest!

More vegetables came in from our Agricultural Training Center (ATC). These guys all have a green thumb! All the children will have plenty of vegetables here at our Children’s Home where we all live together. The ATC teaches Haitians how to grow better and more crops. They can support their[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He must increase, but I must decrease…” We must always be careful that when people see us, they see Jesus. Sadly enough, in the days of television or mega churches, we often cannot see Jesus because someone wants to be in the limelight… they want to “increase.” We have known[…]

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Lovable Zachary

Zachary is our youngest Love A Child orphan. He has a “mother,” but when she came to our clinic, with the baby in her arms, we were suspicious. His mother told us “several of her real children had died,” and some were “missing!” We gave her a ride home with[…]

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Soup Joumou for Breakfast! 

Since the many years that Bobby and I have lived here in Haiti, we have never seen the children eat “soup joumou” (pumpkin soup) for breakfast! This soup is so important for the Haitians and their heritage, because back in the days of the French occupation and slavery, only the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Forgetting Those Things Which Are Behind.” “Happy New Year!” God has carried us through another year. We’ve had to face bad things, and we have been blessed to face “good things.” Many of us have been through great trials this past year. Bobby and I went through a great trial[…]

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Farmer John’s Food Distribution!

These folks will be having soup Joumou tomorrow!! Farmer John and Love A Child partnered together for 500 Haitians representing their families who came today at 2:00 p.m. and picked up their fresh meat and bones to make the traditional soup Joumou, for Jan 1st. Yum!! Many Haitians cannot even[…]

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