This poor lady Jan was almost passed out with hunger as she laid on the ground by our gate. Her name is Jan, and she is a widow with four children. Her husband died during the 2010 earthquake under a block layer and not long after she lost her home, and everything went from bad...
This is a note from our partner, David George who bought pizza for all the Love A Child children. “What a fantastic time we had today at the Love A Child Children's Home. I bought 30 large pizzas and 75 drinks and the younger children ate first and then the older children got in from...
"Do What You Can, To Get to Jesus!" Nothing is easy in life and when "bad things happen," we can either lie down and let it run over us or "do what we can, to get to Jesus." In Matthew 9:20, a woman with an issue of blood, fought her way through the crowd to "touch...
This young boy is Christian Burnette. When he was very young, his father was arrested and sent to prison. Not long afterward, his poor mother passed away. Haiti’s Department of Social Services brought him to our Love A Child Children’s Home. We had several other children that were about the same age, so he loved...
Do you remember Noah? He was also left at our gate, he was beaten, starving to death, his teeth were missing, and he suffered from severe malnutrition, not to mention other things. This is Noah after one month. Kaeli gave him a box to sit in!!! He runs, laughs and eats "like a horse!" We...
Alvin Jonsely has had two surgeries. The first one took out part of the tumor around the eye. At that time, they were able to place the eye back into the socket. He cannot see with that eye, but the doctors expect that in time, it will go back to "normal" size and the redness...
Saint Francis of Assisi understood the power of faith put into action to change the human heart. For it was he who said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.” I will never forget how Sherry and I went into the Haitian village of Old Letant. A witch doctor by the...
This beautiful young girl is Rodna Joseph, who came to our children’s home in 2012, at the age of two. Her mother had passed away, and her father needed to borrow money for her funeral. The men he borrowed the money from kidnapped all of Rodna's siblings and held them for ransom. We gave her...
We are so thankful for all of our friends who have helped sponsor our Agricultural Training Center, Poul Mirak (Miracle Chicken Co-op), Tilapia Fish Farm, Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market), and the Miracle Village farming and gardening projects. These are all sustainability projects helping Haitians to help themselves. Love Is Something You Do! Bobby
“Just Use My Name…” Throughout your life, there have probably been times when you ran into someone and before you left, they said, “Here's a card…just use my name” or, maybe they said, “Just tell them I sent you and use my name.” Then, when you used that name, it opened doors! It made things...