If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered. (Proverbs 21:13) When I was two weeks old, I went to live with the woman who raised me. (She will always be my mother.) We lived in a small shack like house, yet she...
This young lady is Florence. She has been with us for most of her life. Her mother died when she was young and her father abandoned her. When she first came to live at the Children’s Home, she was severely malnourished and had tuberculosis. She received medical treatment for her tuberculosis and three hot nourishing...
Attention Everyone: We are in desperate need each month of Birthing Kits, for poor mothers who go back to their village or mud hut, to have their babies. Here is what is needed inside each Birthing Kit: (Please send items inside a pillowcase.) • One newborn outfit (a “onesie” and stocking hat) • Feminine pads...
We welcome our newest missionary to Love A Child that came in yesterday. Chris Baker has been with us before… and it's great to have him back!!! He started working at 6:30 AM this morning! The best is yet to come! Bobby
"And the Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." Exodus 14:14 (This is what the Lord told Moses when the Israelites were being chased by Pharaoh and all the chariots of Egypt, and all their horses and armies.) Are you facing a battle today that is too great for you? The...
Please watch this video of the NFL players and be blessed! You can be a great athlete and be a great Christian representing Jesus Christ. Bobby and Sherry
Just about 30 minutes ago, a huge truck (like the one you see) had a blow out and flipped upside down, crushing many poor Haitians! Four were dead on the spot. Our Haitian daughter, Julanne, happened to be there and helped with many accident victims. Some were taken to our Jesus Healing Center, and others...
The guys are hard at work putting up the Big Top Gospel Tent inside Gwo Maché Mirak!!! Reggie and his team are doing a great job!!! Services start Wednesday! We are praying for a harvest of souls in Fond Parisien, Haiti! Bobby
Breaking News! This morning, we have started putting up our big top tent in Gwo Maché Mirak (the marketplace). The League of Pastors in this area will be having a big crusade starting Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Good music, good preaching, and Heaven on earth! You are invited, and we are believing the Lord for...
Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding, which was His first miracle. (John 2:7-11) – In John 6:5-14, Jesus took five loaves of bread and two little fish and fed the multitudes. We are serving a God of abundance. Jesus can give you more than enough today! Bobby