This is Dieubon, and his name means "God is good" in Creole. When Dieubon was born, he was suffering from malnutrition and was born with clubfeet, as many children are in Haiti. There was no money for a doctor or hospital; his mother didn’t know what to do. But God provided loving partners and a...
“Judge not, that ye be not judged…” Matthew 7:1 When my mother was alive, she was a “saint.” She never spoke ill of anyone, and she loved everyone, but most of her friends were kinda “nutty.” She had one friend, who was supposed to be a “lady preacher.” I will just call her Wanda. Wanda had...
We will be breaking ground on our brand new project next week… Our Love A Child Birthing Center in Fond Parisien, Haiti! Each year, mothers and babies die in childbirth as a result of having their babies on a dirt floor in a mud hut, in unsanitary conditions. Many of the children at our Children’s...
Look What God Did!!! This first picture is the "old ragged, torn, stick and tarp church" at Madamn Adeline's. This is where all her orphans slept each night in this ripped-up tent church. Then, thanks to some of our partners, Dr. Pat, Debbie Click and their friends, a "beautiful new orphanage was built!!!" Special thanks...
“But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you…” Matthew 5:44 – Let’s face it; loving our enemies is not the easiest thing to do. Every morning before daylight, Sherry and I pray...
Yesterday, by a miracle from God, Mackenson began to talk!!! This young boy had a severe stroke about three weeks ago. It “didn’t look good for him” until yesterday, he began writing down the names of our Love A Child children, and he wrote, “Bondieu,” which means God in Creole. All of a sudden, he...
“And were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well: He maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.” Mark 7:37 – I feel sorry for people who don't believe in miracles! They are real, if you are looking for them. One of our little children at our Love A...
A few weeks ago, this baby was left in the mud in front of our gate at Love A Child. Our missionary Kaeli found the baby. He was very lethargic, malnourished, and his arms and legs were just like spaghetti, no muscles. He had some teeth so we felt that he could be about one...
We are still in great need of "Birthing Kits" every month. We have at least 80 mothers who need these kits in their last month of pregnancy. They will take these Birthing Kits home to the mountains, where they will have their babies in unclean conditions. These Birthing Kits that you or your church make...