This morning at 8:00 AM, we opened our monthly food distribution for 91 organizations; over half are orphanages that desperately need the food. Today we are giving out almost 600,000 meals!! Thank you Feed My Starving Children for donating the eight containers of food each month. Thank you for our partners, who by faith each...
“Location, location, location…” Have you ever heard that “location is everything?” It is also true of God's plan for your life. Sometimes, we are in a place that is not God's divine will. His Divine Will is the “assignment He has for you.” When we get in the center of God's will, in complete obedience,...
We had a wonderful Mobile Medical Clinic in the Peyi Pouri Mountains last week. So many men, women and children were treated… over 1,800! Many received eyeglasses and one elderly woman began to cry as she could see clearly through her glasses! We want to thank MAP International for their wonderful medicines and eyeglasses that...
Wow! Just look at this little guy who came to our Mobile Medical Clinic in Peyi Pouri just three days ago! This morning, his mother brought him down to us because he had to have some surgery, but he had a bad case of impetigo on his ear! We treated it and look at him...
“It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.” Psalm 118: 8 & 9 – Men will always let us down, but Jesus never fails! Bobby
"We're grandparents, again!" We took in Sheline and her brother and sisters about 25 years ago from a mud hut in Petit Destines, Haiti. (Sheline is the tallest girl in the photo beside her siblings.) Sheline got married to Claude, her childhood sweetheart and moved to New Jersey. She and her husband began a family with three...
It is amazing what food, love and giving can do to help malnourished children here in Haiti. This is Michelene. She was taken to our missionary friends in her area, Real Hope for Haiti. We receive donated food from Feed My Starving Children, and we share two 40-foot containers of food each month with 80-plus...
God always has a "ram in the bush..." You know the story so well. God spoke to Abraham “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.”...
Here are some more wonderful pictures from yesterday when we dedicated Madamn Adeline's orphanage that we built. To see children run and climb in their beds when they have never had a bed in their lifetime was unbelievable and praises to the Lord! Be sure and see all the pictures! Thank you, Dr. Pat and the Click...
"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Why don't you ask yourself that today? Are you facing a river too hard to cross or a mountain too high to climb? God specializes in the things "thought to be impossible!" "Abraham, you think a 100-years-old is too old to have a baby? Sarah, you think that...