All of our Haitian children have great talent. Many of them love doing mechanic work. Some can sing so beautifully, and some have the talent to play drums, bass guitar, piano, etc, and others can really cook! That's Widelene. She has a tender heart, always finds the good in people, wants to please you, and...
I'm sorry, but I just had to take these pictures and share them with you of our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) guys again. Rad and I are so proud of them! More vegetables just arrived from the gardens! Our children and workers will grow strong. This land used to be dry and barren at one...
"Lending God Some Money..." If the Lord wanted you to "lend Him some money," there's no doubt you would say, "Oh, keep it, Lord! You've already done so much for me." But, when we give to the poor, we are "lending to the Lord." "He that hath pity on the poor, lendeth unto the Lord,...
Daniella and her twin brother, Daniel, were supposed to be triplets, but when their mother took a “tap tap” to the hospital, men with guns were there and forced her to leave, so she had triplets at home. The third baby died. Daniella was always the healthier baby, and her brother was thin and “sickly”...
Due to Haiti’s gangs and lack of security, it is very difficult for poor mothers to try to sell on the street. For many families, the mother is the “breadwinner” because fathers have abandoned their families for a better life in the Dominican Republic. As a result, we are receiving more babies into our Malnutrition...
In our “Edible Plant Nursery” project, we try to select good plants that are readily adaptable to conditions in Haiti, and that can be grown by any family or village to provide sustainable food and nutrition. We have written about the Soursop (Corossol/Guanabana), Papaya, Mangos, Mulberry, Breadfruit, and bananas in our “Edible Plant Nursery”, but...
The Lord told Solomon in the third chapter of Kings that he could have anything he asked for. Solomon chose WISDOM above all the things he could have asked for. “For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.” Proverbs 8:11 – Wisdom is a precious gift...
Bianca and her siblings were brought to us by her aunt; they were from Cap-Haïtien, a city in the other part of Haiti. Apparently, the boat capsized and killed their parents and other poor families. They looked sad and hungry when their aunt brought them here. The kids immediately gave her a nickname, "krapo," which...
Education here in Haiti is a dream! For children in the mountains, it is not easy… It’s almost impossible. These children are blessed because they are in a Love A Child School. They do not have to pay tuition, but their parents will supply the uniforms. This is a preschool class. We have grades up...
“Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? […] Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:37-40) These are powerful words from our Lord. When we feed the hungry or give...