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Bianca in College!

Bianca was just a young girl when she and her two siblings came to stay with us. We were told by her aunt that their parents had taken a small boat from Cape Haitian to travel to the U.S. We knew the children were in great need, so we took[…]

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Containers of Food are Coming!

The border has been open for commerce. Americans can also come and go now. Haitians are still not allowed to travel; their visas have been frozen, which they already paid for. Good news! In January, we have seven Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) 40-foot containers being shipped to the Dominican[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“He Knows My Name” Sometimes, in the midst of our trials, we may tend to think that God doesn’t care about us or that He doesn’t even know our name. Really? In Exodus 33:17, God is speaking to Moses and He says, “I will do this thing also that thou[…]

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Jessica… Sometimes the kids call her Ada!

She is now 17 and in 12th grade! When she was a baby, her parents had left on a “Haitian boat” headed for the States. The boat capsized, and they drowned. The baby was cared for by her aunt. She also had a sister, Bianca, and a brother, Raphael, but[…]

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“… we will NOT fear.” Psalms 46:2

Psalms 46:2 In 2010, a great 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti. Walls and buildings crumbled into “nothing.” Roads were torn down the middle. Two and three-story buildings became broken blocks and were unrecognizable. Bobby was on the top floor of our Orphanage, with Nini our cook. They tried to go[…]

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Our Maternity Center

Our Love A Child Maternity Center… Here we are, getting ready for January 1st! Our Birthing Center “never closes!” We are open 365 days of the year, 24/7! After many years of working in Haiti, about 33 years, we have nearly “seen it all.” It is almost unbelievable that the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Why Sit We Here Until We Die?” This is one of my favorite Bible stories from II Kings, Chapter 7. We see the city of Samaria, which had been besieged. Four lepers were “outside the gate.” They were hungry and tired but, “they were lepers.” They had to choose whether[…]

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Building A Good Life

When we first moved to Haiti, we were in an area called Mt. Noire, on top of a mountain. One day, a lady appeared at our gate with a baby and a toddler. She was sick and crying. She said, “I’m dying, and I just want to know that I[…]

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Big Christmas Dinner!!!

Yesterday, Sherry and I, along with some of our kids, went down to Pastor Claude’s Orphanage for a big Christmas afternoon dinner. Wow! Pastor Claude put on a feast! Thank you, David George World Ministries, for sponsoring the Christmas dinner and giving all the employees money! It made their Christmas![…]

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Word from the Mission Field

GOD WILL DELIVER!   As many of you may know by now, our 6 kidnapped employees were released two days ago after being in captivity for 20 days. The nightmare is over! God is a God of miracles. Thank you, Lord! One of my favorite passages in the Bible is[…]

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