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Update on Children:  2-20-18  8:30 AM

Update on Children: 2-20-18 8:30 AM

The baby found at the gate:  The little baby, (maybe age 15 months or older), who was found at our gate last week, is still in the children's hospital. We continue to send one of our "orphanage moms" each day to stay until the next morning and then, they trade off. He is still in...
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Word from the Mission Field – 02-20-18

Word from the Mission Field – 02-20-18

Faith said, “Take my bones with you…” It is something how faith works. It is so simple, yet we make it so complicated. Books are written about it… Faith is “just believing that God will not lie to you, but He will keep His word and bring it to pass.” As a father makes a...
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Mackenson Before and Today – 02-19-18

Mackenson Before and Today – 02-19-18

You may have read our earlier posts about Mackenson. He had some problems at school today and was non responsive.  He is now at a children’s hospital having tests run to find out what is going on. We will let you know when we get an update on his condition. We found Mackenson in a...
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Mackenson and JHC Photos

Mackenson and JHC Photos

This morning, Mackenson got so sick in school that we had to take him to our Jesus Healing Center. He could not walk, communicate, or breathe! His eyes rolled around and he nearly collapsed! Our Haitian doctor said he is like someone who had a stroke! We had to send him from our Jesus Healing...
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Mackenson Health

Mackenson Health

This morning, we had to go to our school to pick up Mackenson. He was not breathing well, could not walk, his eyes were rolling back in his head, his mouth was dry, and he slurred to the left. The doctor at our Jesus Healing Center examined him and immediately wrote paperwork to transfer him...
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Word from the Mission Field – 02-19-18

Word from the Mission Field – 02-19-18

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us…” Ephesians 3:20 – Abundantly, more than we can ask or think! God is big, with big plans and has big promises! The best is yet to come! Bobby
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Update on Fritzner:  2-18-18  7:00 PM

Update on Fritzner: 2-18-18 7:00 PM

This young boy’s name is Fritzner Burnette. He was born in Covant, a remote village on top of the highest mountain in Haiti. His mother died of Eclampsia, also known as “childbirth fever,” shortly after his birth. When he was four-months-old, Pastor Justin brought him down to our Love A Child Children’s Home, which saved...
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Update on Birthing Center:  2-18-18   10:20 AM

Update on Birthing Center: 2-18-18 10:20 AM

We know you have heard the good news that we now have a "Matching Grant" for half the funds needed for the new Birthing Center. The cost to build will be $400,000 so our Matching Grant is $200,000. We will need to raise the $200,000 to match this, but God will provide! The other good...
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Word from the Mission Field:  2-18-18  6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 2-18-18 6:00 AM

"I Shall Not Slide." It's easy to "slip and slide," even when you're a Christian. That's why we have an Advocate, Jesus. Once, a person told me, "I'm not afraid to sin and do things wrong, because I have a Savior, Jesus." I told him, "Today, He's your Savior, but one day, He will be...
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Update on Alvin Jonsley:  2-17-18  8:40 AM

Update on Alvin Jonsley: 2-17-18 8:40 AM

We just found out yesterday afternoon that Alvin Jonsley's tumor is larger than what the doctors thought at first. It may require "two surgeries." Alvin is going in for surgery Thursday. Please remember him in your prayers. God has a great plan for his life. Sherry
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