Noah is still at our clinic since last night, when he became severely dehydrated with vomiting and diarrhea. He has been on an IV with B12. We noticed that when he screams and cries with pain, he hits his head... this makes us think that he has been beaten on his head. As soon as...
Someone will always hate you. Get used to it. As long as you live, there will be an adversary to oppose you at every turn. I have noticed certain evil spirits get on certain people to fight you and me. Our true enemy, Satan, is behind this. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,...
This evening, Kaeli and I had to take little Noah to our Clinic. He had severe vomiting, diarrhea, and was so dehydrated. He was just moaning and groaning and his head started to roll back. Our doctors and nurses are taking good care of him. The saddest thing was that he had never spoken a...
I’m not sure if you know the story of this little cutie. Her name is Natalie, and she is very sweet. Her mother died and her father was not able to care for her. Natalie became very ill and her dad brought her to our Jesus Healing Center. She was severely malnourished and in very...
If you want to really help the elderly and the widows (very poor) here in Haiti, here is something we really need: Pain Relieving Creams, such as Ben Gay. It doesn't have to be this name brand, but you know what we need. We have so many poor elderly people coming to our Mobile Medical...
God bless our friends at Free Chapel for the Crocs and Sandals!!! Thank you, everyone, for all the wonderful blessings that bring such joy to these children!!! God bless our partners who send many gifts to the children of Haiti! Our boys loved the baseball helmets and gear donated by Juan Lionel Garciga. We also...
Sherry, Kaeli, George (our Haitian son) and Philemon just made it to the top of the mountain of Peyi Pouri with some supplies. We heard the roads were impassable, but we've had people working on the mountain path for two weeks. It's not like a road you would think about; it's a mountain path! Saturday...
“Are You Willing to Leave Your Nets?” Matthew 4:20 is a powerful verse…Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee and saw two brothers casting their nets into the sea. They were fishermen, Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” “And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.” Mark...
This little guy is Jacque. His mother died and his father wasn’t able to care for him. His dad would leave Jacque and his sister alone for days while he looked for work. The two children were far too young to be left alone. Finally, their father gave the children to the Haitian version of...
We are needing a used school bus for our sustainability programs and Gwo Maché Mirak (Grand Miracle Market). If we had a bus, we could help people bring their products to sell, and also help bring in buyers for all the wonderful products the market has to offer. The school bus would also employ two Haitian...