Education here in Haiti is a dream! For children in the mountains, it is not easy… It’s almost impossible. These children are blessed because they are in a Love A Child School. They do not have to pay tuition, but their parents will supply the uniforms. This is a preschool class. We have grades up...
“Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? […] Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:37-40) These are powerful words from our Lord. When we feed the hungry or give...
Joshua was abandoned in the weeds near the front of our gate. He was about 11 months old but could not stand or walk. We had to rush him to a children’s hospital. He was there for three weeks and then, the Department of Social Services released him to us. He cried constantly when he...
Saturday, our good friend Pastor Claude asked if he could send children from his Ebenezer Orphanage to our orphanage on Sunday afternoon to play together! (We sponsor and support this orphanage every month!) Sunday afternoon his children arrived and they “hit the basketball court” and “turned the music up!” The kids played soccer and jumped...
Our MAP International container, full of desperately needed medicines, arrived late Friday afternoon. We had to wait until this morning to open it because there were heavy pallets that needed a forklift, and our employees had already left... We were blessed to have purchased our "own container and our own chassis." This will make things...
“When all hope is taken away.” In Acts 27 Apostle Paul is a prisoner of the Gospel. He had done nothing wrong but his preaching stirred up the Jews. When he went before King Agrippa, the king sent him on to Italy. They had to travel by ship. Apostle Paul had a “word from the...
Zoey went from baby to “little adult” overnight. She was found in the middle of the road that leads to New Letant, right behind Miracle Village! Her mother, no doubt, had too many kids, and could not support any more. We brought her to our orphanage and arranged to have someone take the baby to...
First of all, today, we want to wish all mothers a "Happy Mother's Day!!" This is a story about a young lady named Jordan DiFranco. She is a friend of our grandson, Aidan. We were so impressed the first time we met her. She is an amazing young lady who has a heart for the...
THE EYE OF FAITH! “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27 Moses could see beyond what he could see in the natural. We have never seen God, but yet we can look all around us and see Him every day, in...
Rodna was a “little miracle!” Her mother died when she was young and her father had to “borrow money for the children’s mother to have a funeral.” When her father could not pay back the money, the man kidnapped all the remaining children. When we heard about this, we sent money to pay the kidnapper......