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Christmas Video!

This is a special Christmas video (Link to our Facebook page HERE). It was put together by Dieuferly D’or, one of our Love A Child children. Special thanks to “KARAOKE” for the instrumental. The music was sung by our Love A Child children but originated from Mariah Carey. Special thanks[…]

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A Big Christmas Family Blow Out

Amid all of the stress and problems in Haiti, we wanted to have a “happy Christmas” for the children here at Love a Child. They have 18 older “brothers and sisters” in college, but the older kids could not come “home” for Christmas due to the gangs. We want to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Good morning! “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 Today no matter what we may be facing together, let us have a merry heart! The Lord is with us, he has not forsaken us. “If God be for us, who can[…]

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THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS. We just had our five kidnapped employees, plus one other, released after more than two weeks of captivity from the 400 Mawozo gang. A total of six people. God is a God of miracles! Psalm 41:1 “The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble.”[…]

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Miliana… Tiny and Tough

“Tiny and Tough.” That’s Miliana. We found her in the village of “Madamn Bauje.” She was walking across a small ditch, pulling at the string on her sweater. She never looked up! She had red hair and sores all over her body. These were oozing sores with a “skin fungus”.[…]

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Christmas Story at Love A Child

Jesus is the best gift we could ever have! He has given us peace and joy in abundance! Orphan children need to feel that they have a home, love, and happiness, especially at this time in Haiti. This evening, the children will open their gifts and will be watching Christmas[…]

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Merry Christmas

Dear Friends and Partners, We want to bless you and wish you a Merry Christmas! We tried to get a good photo of the kids that are still here at our orphanage, and there are a bunch of them! But we weren’t able to get a good picture! There are[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. And he (Elijah) said, Thou hast asked a hard thing: nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee…” 2 Kings 2:9-10 Take time to read[…]

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Ericka is Sweet and Determined!

We could not have a sweeter young girl than Ericka! The first time we saw Ericka, she had severe malnutrition and a horrible skin disease. She was maybe five months old with a horrible skin infection. Her mother had died right after childbirth. A lady in the village cared for her[…]

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Latest Update: Good News Report!

Remember the Mondisir family… we posted several weeks ago, that their house had burnt down. Look what the Lord has done!   November 23rd, the Mondisir family lost their house and all their possessions in a tragic fire in Gran Ravine in Nips, South Haiti. By God’s grace, and your[…]

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