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Word from the Mission Field

IN TIMES LIKE THESE: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that ye be not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers[…]

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Future Nurse!

Little Rachael Louis was born on November 15, 2010. Her mother already had four children. Her real mother called her Nazalie. She could not afford to buy milk for her baby, so she asked us to take her in. As she grew, she had skin problems that affected her scalp.[…]

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Help for the People of Ganthier

These poor people came walking in from Ganthier where the gangs have burned many of their houses. Love is something you do! At Lasous, there is a big property called “Estofa” with people from Ganthier. It was the first place we visited, and gave a lot of blankets, towels, clothes,[…]

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LAC TV Program “Life in Peyi Pouri Part 2” Begins Today!

Love A Child travels back up the mountains to Obia to check on two struggling sets of orphaned children whose heartbreak isn’t over. Though these people have nothing, and their living situations are meager at best, a poor family opened up their home and yard so that Love A Child[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Church World Has Lost It!” Have you ever considered how the “modern day churches” operate? Imagine that you just went through a great trial, and now, you need the “energy” of the praise and worship in a Godly church! You need something to “lift your spirit” and give you hope.[…]

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Nelson… A Miracle!

I can remember the day we rescued Nelson like it was yesterday. Nelson’s father had been in Voodoo. Nelson could not walk or talk. His parents probably thought he had a curse on him. His belly was swollen with Kwashiorkor Malnutrition and he was miserable. Each day, his mother would[…]

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Three Camps for the Poor, Fleeing the Gangs

Yesterday, two of our Love A Child older kids and helpers visited three new “homeless camps” for the poor fleeing from the gangs… These areas were Kris pour Tous, Camp Savio, Fond Parisien, and Estofa, Ganthier. These people had to leave their homes in a hurry, fleeing from gangs with[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

We are in a battle! We are on the winning side! I feel so strongly in my heart that several of you need this Word today. Let His Word comfort you… “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God[…]

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Helping Those in Greatest Need

Early this morning, we told you about all the poor families that had to leave their homes due to gangs taking them over! They could only take what they carried in their hands and walked for miles, looking for a shelter. When we heard of their plight, we got together[…]

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Mikalange… The Mischievous Twin

Mikalange and her twin, Mika, were born in the village of Covant. Their mother died in childbirth (she needed a C-section). Her father brought both children to our orphanage. Mikalange is so different from her sister, Mika. Mikalange loves music and loves to play the drums! She also loves doing[…]

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