Imagine having no water at your house; no cooking, no bathing, no cleaning. It would definitely complicate your life in a major way. Now imagine you have no water in your entire city with no ability to get relief or repairs: no public works department, no on-call emergency response crew, and no parts available to...
“Shine On” If you have ever walked up to the Love A Child Children's Home at night, you would agree that it is a beautiful sight. The building's lights are solar-powered and illuminate the dark Haitian backdrop. When night falls, the surrounding village becomes completely dark, but the Children's Home shines bright. It cannot be...
Oh, what a day in Glacier National Park!! Our son, Jonathan, and his wife, Julie, drove 1,500 miles with their travel trailer to surprise us on my birthday. What an awesome surprise! Jay and Robin, our friends, drove 5-1/2 hours to come and show us around the park. They brought a huge picnic lunch that...
Ti Mika, (Little Mika) is now 14 and in 9th grade! It was “just like yesterday,” that we were in the village of Madamn Bauje. We were filming a Love A Child program when I saw a poor, elderly grandma carrying around a dirty, tiny baby with red hair… very malnourished. She put the baby...
I want to thank everyone who sent in birthday wishes yesterday. You were so kind and thoughtful. You lifted my heart. Thank you again. Update: Pastor Mark Ostrander is there now at Love A Child, preparing for future teams coming to Haiti. I do believe very soon, the gangs will be gone, and Haiti will...
Take a look at this family. When I look at the smiling faces sitting in front of their mud hut, I see joy. They do not have much. Some do not even have shoes. But they have joy, real joy, the kind of joy that does not come from possessions or circumstances. I love the...
Jessica (also called Ada), is now 17. Her dream is to be a doctor. She does not waste any time. She volunteers to work in our Birthing Center. She has been running the ultrasound. She is so sweet, kind, and quiet. She is always somewhere working or helping. She loves playing games or doing puzzles...
Imagine that you are living in a very poor village in Haiti, and you and your children haven't eaten in several days. Constant hunger pains are all too common for more than half the families living in the poorest villages throughout Haiti. Bobby and Sherry reach out to these hungry, forgotten people through the Feeding...
This is Bobby with our dear friend, Pastor Claude, from Haiti. Bobby dearly loves the Haitian people more than anyone could imagine. He has more patience than anyone could imagine! Bobby asked me to marry him on our “first date!” I met him under a “Gospel Tent Meeting” in Orlando, Florida. I invited him to...
"Got any Enemies?" We all have enemies sometimes in our life. The worst enemy you can have is jealousy. Jealousy can make your co-workers dislike you because you have done a good job. Others are jealous of your success and for other reasons. But the Word of God says, “Through God, we shall do valiantly;...