As you may remember, a few weeks ago, a woman abandoned her baby and left him in the weeds in front of our Love A Child gate. We sent him to Social Services first, which is what we are required to do by Haitian Law. They sent him back to us and told us to...
Just look at poor Madamn Philemon. She lives in a hut in Old Letant and has several grandchildren and grandbabies. She just received a box of goodies from Jean Woods that has handmade baby mats and much more!!! Thank you, Jean; these babies will at least be sleeping on a nice handmade mat and not...
Thank you, Charlotte Smith, for the wonderful boots and shoes, from Red Wing! This is Wilbon, one of the workers in our warehouse. He used to live in a tent and had an extended family of 16, some of who were living in an abandoned shipping container! We brought him and his family here to...
“Out from Lodebar…” I love the story in 2 Samuel about Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan. Some time after King Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle, David became king. Saul had been his major enemy, but he had always promised Jonathan, his best friend, that “he would show kindness” to his family. Now, King...
This young girl is Ericka Pierre. She had a very tough start to life when her mother became ill and died during her delivery. A woman in a nearby village tried to care for her. When we found her several months later, she was severely malnourished, and highly contagious with a skin infection. We brought...
We wish to thank Miguel Denny for the wonderful soccer balls and the cute "totes" that the girls love!!! Soccer is the major sport of Haiti and a "soccer ball" is like a "lump of gold" to a Haitian child! Thank you so much, Miguel, for this donation and for all your other donations you...
This morning, Mark Ostrander, along with our wonderful Haitian crew, left at 6:00 AM to put in gutters, five large water tanks, and much more for Madamn Adeline’s orphanage that we are building for her. There are some dangerous and sharp mountain curves as they travel there and back. Please pray for their safe return....
You know how the great multitude followed Jesus into the desert place. When it came time to eat, He told His disciples not to send them away to eat in the villages. Jesus took five loaves of bread, and two fishes, prayed, blessed it, and then fed about 5000 men beside women and children. When...
Look at these adorable cuties!!! Imagine being a poor child and receiving a beautiful, clean and lovely new dress, handmade with love!!! There are great blessings upon those sweet ladies who work at making clothing for the poor! God bless you Eileen Baister, who made these dresses and many, many more!!! It is best to...
We wish to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries—Hand of Hope, for the wonderful Ultrasound unit that they purchased for our Jesus Healing Center Clinic! This Ultrasound unit does so much, but more importantly, it helps the doctors with the location of the new babies that are coming! Very few clinics in Haiti have an Ultrasound, and...