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LAC TV Program “A Forgotten Village” Begins Today!

The people of Fond Bayard were desperate for medical care. Love A Child saw their need and brought a brilliant team of doctors, nurses, staff members, and their own children, to serve the poor, despondent, forgotten village. They didn’t stop there; they also sent a bus into the surrounding mountains[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Are you happy or have a broken spirit? “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 Laughter and a merry spirit are a great shot of medicine!! I’ve learned so much from the Haitians. No matter what they are facing or going through during these tough times in Haiti,[…]

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Dieuferly… He’s Blessed!

We found Dieuferly in the mountains of Covant, Haiti. It was a nine-hour ride on foot and by mule. We went there to do a Mobile Clinic and found this poor woman with many children and a child with club feet. The little boy could not stand on his two[…]

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Travel Update

Next stop is Dallas, Texas, and then Houston to see our daughter, Julie, graduate from medical school. Then the next day, back to the Dominican Republic to drive a few hours to Haiti, to cross the border, hopefully. Please pray for safe travels back to Haiti. Kidnapping: Please pray for[…]

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We’ll almost be finished with a new complex for our Haitian workers. One of our problems is trying to provide a space for our Love A Child workers to live here at Love A Child. We have around 300 workers on the property. Thank you to the anonymous family who[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Divine Peace.” How can we get this when Haiti is full of evil… a pathetic world without hope? There is “no peace,” to them or anyone without the peace of the Lord. Living in Haiti for many years has taught me to “only rely on Jesus.” There are no fire[…]

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“You,” Our Partners, Have Made a Great Impact!

Davidson is the twin brother of David. Their last name is Noel… One Christmas evening, while we were at our old “rented orphanage,” an old lady named “Madamn Noel” appeared at our gate with a baby in her arms. She was with a man who also had a baby in[…]

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Black Santa is Coming to Haiti

Dear Friends, This is our daughter, Julie Burnette Martin. She spent one year in Haiti with us (before the gangs took over). She LOVES the Haitian people, and especially the children at our Orphanage. She purchased a large “life-sized” “black Santa” for Christmas! He sings and dances too! Julie thought[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Wisdom In Your Decision: This week, you may have to make important decisions. Your decision today, will affect your future tomorrow. “Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine[…]

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The Future of America!  

Sherry took this picture of Colton and me during the funeral of our dear friend Pastor Dr. Roy Smith recently. He had written me about 3 years ago asking me to be his prayer partner in school. I told him I would be glad to be his prayer partner. I[…]

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