“Inasmuch as he have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. For I was an hungered, and you gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed...
This girl “loves to cook” more than anything else in the world!! We have had Widelene and her sister Esther since they were five and under. Widelene’s mother arrived at our gate at home in the mountains of Haiti years ago. Her name was Madamn Jesula, and she thought she was dying and wanted a...
For most poor Haitians, when sickness comes, it is a choice between food and doctor’s care. Sadly enough, if they have managed to scrape up enough food, they would not have enough for a Clinic visit, labs or medicines. We want to thank Joyce Meyer Ministries - Hand of Hope for this wonderful outreach to...
We are finished here in Santo Domingo, DR. The report is very good this month for Jackson. His blood work is solid, and he has made steady improvements. When I asked him last night if there was anything that I could do for him before he went back to Haiti, he simply asked for candy....
“We’re in it to win it!” No matter how old or how young a believer is, they can look back on their life and see how God has directed their path, into His path. At the end of our life, we can all say, “We have fought a good fight!” I Timothy 6:12 says, “Fight...
We certainly love Florence and are so proud of her. She was in the second set of four siblings at the start of our orphanage. When we lived high up in the mountains, Florence’s mother would come to me for food and medicine. One day, she stopped coming, and her father appeared at our gate...
This week, Hubert, his wife, and our Love A Child team cooked 225 delicious, hot meals for the prisoners, men and women. Fifteen of the prisoners have died of starvation. Many of the prisoners could not walk but only crawl because they were so weak. I had a hard time sleeping last night thinking about...
THE GREAT COMMISSION TO THE CHURCH: MATTHEW 28:18-20 After Jesus rose from the dead, He spoke these words: "And He said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15 This is the great commission to the church. While the spread of Christianity has been nothing short...
We first heard about a beautiful baby discarded by her parents. This beautiful baby had a “life-threatening disease” passed on to her from her father. One of her relatives, called “Madamn Cheap Cheap,” told us about the baby. We took her in. Lovely is not only “lovely,” but she is intelligent. She is determined to...
Yesterday, Jackson had his monthly blood analysis done and was seen by several doctors here in Santo Domingo. The report is good! His numbers are much better than last month's. His blood work showed that he is anemic, so they are working on that. But things are much improved, and we have reason to rejoice!...