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Update on the Kidnapping…

As most of you know, our Love A Child ambulance driver and four others on our staff were kidnapped last week. We just talked to our Haitian Director. Please pray they will be released soon! We also found out they were in a room with 200 other captives, most of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

GOD NEVER CHANGES! “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8 The world is on the edge of a new order. The day will come when we preach against sin, and we will be put in prison. The church is growing lukewarm. Many are just teaching[…]

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Jean Edward Finds his “Niche!”

Haiti’s children are “survivors.” When a child’s parents die, they automatically go to live with a relative. They become a “restavek.” This word means “to live with” or “rest with,” but the children get “no rest.” In fact, these children will “work as hard as an adult.” They will never[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Sometimes, You Gotta “Turn Your Face to the Wall.” Hezekiah was a great king over the country of Judah. He was a Godly man. One day, he fell sick, and Isaiah the Prophet came to him with a “death sentence.” He said, “Set thine house in order, for thou shalt[…]

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Update on Jackson

Jackson has a very bad infection on his stomach where the dialysis tube connects to his navel. Even though the nurse puts on gloves, and disinfects his room, he has still managed to get an infection, which is very serious. He “has” to go to the Dominican Republic to see[…]

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Travel Update

Bobby preached this morning at Pastor Mark and Evie Ostrander’s church, The Mission Church, “Encourage Yourself In The Lord”! People came to know the Lord. If you don’t have a church home, consider Pastor Mark’s and be blessed. This week, we will attend Julie’s graduation, then the next day, back[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Encourage Yourself in the Lord!”  “Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 “But David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.” 1 Samuel 30:6 David encouraged himself in the Lord,[…]

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Latest News Updates

Our five Love A Child employees are still hostages in the hands of the kidnappers. Please pray, as we all walk through this valley. We are trusting the Lord for their release. Thank you to those of you who write encouraging comments. Sunday morning, Sherry and I will be speaking[…]

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Jean Richard “Reaches for the Stars”

This story is amazing!! Jean Richard was part of a handicapped orphanage that we took in after the 2010 earthquake. That earthquake destroyed so many lives, homes, and orphanages. After a while, the people who ran the handicapped orphanage found help. But we loved Jean Richard and we asked if[…]

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Jean Richard “Reaches for the Stars”

This story is amazing!! Jean Richard was part of a handicapped orphanage that we took in after the 2010 earthquake. That earthquake destroyed so many lives, homes, and orphanages. After a while, the people who ran the handicapped orphanage found help. But we loved Jean Richard and we asked if[…]

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