If you want to really help the elderly and the widows (very poor) here in Haiti, here is something we really need: Pain Relieving Creams, such as Ben Gay. It doesn’t have to be this name brand, but you know what we need. We have so many poor elderly people coming to our Mobile Medical Clinics who have carried heavy loads for years. Just a little tube of “Pain Reliever Cream” (any brand) will be a great blessing. Go to a Dollar Store or someplace that has low prices. You could even have your ladies group collecting them and send them in a shoebox to our office: 12411 Commerce Lakes Drive, Fort Myers, Florida 33913. We would thank you on our “TV Program” in our Mobile Medical Clinic and put some pictures on Facebook when we have the Clinics. This is a great need, and we will need to have these blessings coming in every month!!! Thanks so much. Sherry

Pain Relieving Cream for the elderly: 1-16-18 6:00 PM
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