As many of you know, by God’s grace, He has allowed us to feed children and families in many villages. Not only our schools and own village feeding programs, but He has blessed us to help other wonderful missionaries. Here is one… David Wine’s Orphanage. The children are eating food we distributed last month to this orphanage and many others. The special thing about this young man is that David’s father, also David Wine, was a “tent maker,” like Apostle Paul. In fact, when Bobby and I began our ministry on street corners, we soon began preaching under “gospel tents.” David’s daddy made a gospel tent for us when we first began preaching. Now, isn’t it something that David ends up in Haiti with an orphanage that we help feed, “with your help!” It must make God smile when we help one another… Bobby says, “Love is something you do,” and we believe that “what goes around, comes around!” We love all of you!!! Sherry

Passing It Down…
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