Noah, who is showing off his missing teeth, was found outside our front gate, abandoned in the mud! He was less than two our doctors said, but he had been burned, starved, and abused. He required a lot of love and medical help because he had “bite marks” all over his body. You can bet his father was mixed up in Voodoo.
Ginyia’s mother died during a “C-Section.” Then, her father abandoned her to go to the Dominican Republic. She was raised by her 17-year-old cousin until her cousin could no longer take care of her. She was then brought to Social Services, who called us and asked us to take her. Both children are doing “very well” in school and probably will go to college when they finish! We will see what path their lives will take! But one thing is for sure, Jesus will lead them! Thank you, partners, for all your love and support!