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Power Outage!


This morning at 5:00 a.m., our 200,000-watt generator (Big Blue), which runs most of Love A Child, including our Children’s Home, would not start. The motor is completely finished. It has well over 20,000 hours on the motor. I told our mechanic no problem, start Big Daddy, our backup generator. Well, the turbine was burnt out!

My mom always said, “When it rains, it pours!” It’s pouring here in Haiti! We just bought a new 200,000-watt generator for the marketplace two weeks ago! These big generators cost $42,000.

They told me this morning that Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, has not had any electricity for weeks now. Count it a blessing wherever you are in the world if you can flip a switch and have electricity.

This is life in Haiti. Life is not easy here.
We love you!
Bobby Burnette

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