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Prayers Answered!

The Lord supplied the need!

PTL! On our last post, we mentioned the need of $7,000 to buy more fish, by faith, so we can give fish this week and on Saturday, to 90 to 100 organizations (over half are orphan homes). The Lord met the need right away!

Thank you to a very special ministry partner family for supplying the funds. They e-mailed and said the check will be in on the mail on Monday. Also, thank you for praying! I’m so excited…

Tiano is a wonderful sustainability Christian ministry where we purchase our tilapia fish at a great price. We work through “Tiano Fish and Farmer John’s” slaughterhouse purchasing the fish. Both are wonderful sustainability ministries.

Something you should know. When we pick the fish up each time they are alive! Tiano puts them on crushed ice and we take the fish directly to where we are giving out the FMSC/rice meals. The picture of (me holding the fish) from yesterday was alive. He had jumped from my hands twice while we were trying to take the picture for you!! These are not “some old fish we are giving out,” they are alive and kicking!

Jesus said, “When we do it unto the least of these little ones we do it unto him.” Matthew 25:40

Love is something you do…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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