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Precious Haitian Children with Full Meals, Thanks To You!

Precious Haitian Children with Full Meals, Thanks To You!

Each day, we receive pictures and notes from many missionary organizations we are helping with food. This morning, we shared some pictures and wonderful faces of the poor mountain peasants who struggle hard to feed their families. They have been working hard to build a road not far from Peyi Pouri, near a little village called Badgi so that our Mobile Medical Clinic will come to them. Food is the answer to so many different needs in Haiti.

Feeding children in Haiti is our biggest concern…we feed them in our schools, through feeding programs, during Mobile Clinics, through village feedings, and we feed them by “helping other missionaries” and ministries feed “their children.” For example, we recently shared food with Pastor Jean Marc at Hope for Life. He just sent in this note:

Hello, my friends! Thank you for the food for the children. During these difficult times, we are very grateful for the extra assistance. We praise God we were able to make it for the distribution despite the long travel day and trouble on the road when we returned. Our children have the food and that is what matters. We thank God and we thank you!


Pastor Jean Marc Barmand

Hope For Life Children’s Home

All missionaries in Haiti face perils and problems to feed hungry children in Haiti. We want to thank every donor, every partner who has helped feed “even one child.” No child should ever go to bed hungry, sucking on their fingers, or drinking salt water, due to hunger. We are so thankful for the widow’s mite and for every dollar that is given! God bless you, wonderful friends, for your giving heart.

Bobby and Sherry



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