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Precious Lomene

Precious Lomene

I just stood there, staring at that little girl, her hair not combed, washing, cooking, and cleaning. Lomene had no mother, so she was a “restavek slave child.” (Restavek means “to stay with.”)

When Lomene’s mother, Lourimene, died, Lomene was sent to live and work for her father’s other two “wives” and their families. Each had six children. Lomene had to cook, clean, tend to the children, wash clothes, and carry water.

She had to sleep on the dirt floor, because there was no bed for her. She was not able to go to school. I told her “relatives” that I wanted to take her to the orphanage and that if they needed to see me again, they could come and talk to me. But they never did. We sent Lomene to school and now and she is in 11th grade studying hard.

She has not made up her mind what she wants to do in life, but she loves to cook! She may just get a job at Love A Child or somewhere else. Lomene loves the Lord, she is sweet, kind, and humble. She will never forget the day that we took her from being a “slave child” to “living in a real home, with lots of love!” She is precious and we love her!!


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